Lilos' Very Unlucky Rabbit

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Trigger Warnings:


-Implied drinking


Once upon a time, A toymaker resided in a great woodland, He made all sorts of contraptions merely for a childs entertainment. He loved children, but never had one of his own, he had tried, believe me, but never did anything work. One day, he had decided to adopt. He had all the necessary basics and knowledge, So he thought Why not? Of course he had no experience raising a child, but he wanted to at least try. The toymaker raised a young boy named Lilo, the child grew up to be a wonderful young man. On Lilos' tenth birthday, his father made him a stuffed rabbit, with wool and a needle. Lilo loved his new toy, and kept it by his side for quite a while. When the boy grew to be 20, he threw it away, the rabbit was quite heartbroken.

April 2, 2020

Lilo pushed the comforter off of his body, throwing up his arms to stretch. He let out a yawn, begrudgingly dismounting his mattress. Lilo picked up his phone and checked the time, 8:09am. He groaned, speed walking towards his closet. Lilo threw on a pair of jeans and a Nirvana tee. He washed his face and completed his morning routine, making breakfast and going to the couch to wake up his friend, who had stayed over the night before, He shook the man's shoulder, waking him.

"Dude, Ryan, you gotta go." Migraines stirred in Lilos mind as he spoke. Ryan sat up slowly, getting up and grabbing his boots,

"Yeah, Alright. See you at the rockies game tonight?" Ryan smiled.

"Sure, Whatever.Just go, I've got to attend that meeting today." Lilo replied sadly. Ryan got up and left taking his belongings with him. Lilos meeting wasn't until 3:00, So he wanted to be productive. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, swiping empty liquor containers from his kitchen counter, into the trashcan. He scrolled through his social media, looking for upcoming events, until he spotted the grand opening of a new thrift store in town.

"Sounds good." He finished getting ready, leaving shortly. He hopped into his car, setting up the gps and starting it up, heading to his destination.

He found a good parking spot, getting out and entering the store. He looked around, coming to a sudden halt as he saw a stuffed rabbit in the corner of his vision. He smiled, Picking it up and admiring it, It was just like the one he had as a child, he beamed as nostalgia flooded through him. He happily walked towards the checkout, feeling a bit embarrassed, after all, he was a grown man holding a rabbit. When the cashier questioned it, he said it was for his kid, how ridiculous. He doesn't have kids. He hates kids. Lilo waltzed outside, running over to his car. He stopped dead in his tracks as he stared upon the shattered windows.

"What the hell?" He opened the door, making sure none of his belongings were stolen. He drove home. The ride was dreadfully quiet, no music, nothing. When he got home, his door was locked. His keys were missing. He called his friend, who said he lost the replacement key. Lilo sighed and opened his window. Sliding through it. He was exhausted. He collapsed onto his bed, falling asleep almost instantly, But when he woke up it was 5:30. His meeting was missed. He groaned, It was just a bad day. He flopped backwards onto his bed, but instead fell off of it. Lilo stared upwards, shooting daggers at the ceiling while he lie on the floor. He found out soon that he was plagued with bad luck the next day as well. He frowned as he stubbed his toes, and bent his fingernails, and missed his meeting, his interviews were rescheduled, and then canceled, His car broke down too. Lilo looked down at the rabbit, he didn't have a need for it anymore, So he tossed it in the trash. The bad luck had finally cleared up.

At least for the moment.

Lilo yawned, sitting up and stretching his arms and getting ready to leave, He got dressed and put on his boots. Lilo shuffled his feet as he grabbed his ticket and went outside, heading off to the station. He showed his ticket to the officer up front, and stood with the other passengers as they waited for the subway. He heard the bells of the train getting more clear, showing that the bus was close. He felt a tug and a shove at his back. He froze, someone was pushing him. He turned around to push the person off of him, but instead falling into the tracks of the subway. He turned his head rapidly as the bus came shooting towards him. His eyes widened in fear. SQUELCH. Blood painted the walls a chunky deep red as a piercing shriek filled the air. The other passengers stood there wide eyed, mouths gaping, mings racing, someone called 911, But it was too late, Lilo was already dead. Somebody dropped a stuffed rabbit on the ground. Wait- What?

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