Chapter 3

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Bruno's POV

I fake a smile as I look at Natalia. Just than I see Josh walking behind her, he wraps his arms around her waist and starts kissing her neck. She turns around and hugs him back. He's whispering shit in her ear. I than turn my attention back to Lorie. She's still on my lap, "so I'm your boyfriend?" She puts her head down like a guilty little kid, "do you not want to be? I thought after last night we were feeling each other?" I think about last night. Just because we had sex doesn't mean she's now my girlfriend. I wasn't her first or her last I'm sure, "I have a lot of things going on in my head. I'm not sure where a girlfriend can fit into it right now, but we can still hang," She's hurt I can tell but at least I was honest. I lift her chin up, "your beautiful Lorie please don't take it personal." She gives me a small smile, "I won't but when your ready to settle down I better be the one," I smile and pull her towards me letting my lips crash with hers.

Natalia's POV

I pull away from Jacob and I see Peter and Lorie kissing. I think I'm jealous. I'm feeling all kinds of shit right now. I'm mad, hurt and I don't know what else. He looks up at me and I give him a big smile. Jacob looks at Ryan and Stacey come on guys lets play some volleyball. I look at Jacob, "I'm not feeling good. I think I need to get out of the sun for a while you guys play." He looks at everyone, "you guy's down?" Lorie gets off Peter's lap and pulls him up, "yeah we're down," Jacob kisses my cheek, "babe lay right here in the shade and get some rest." He grabs a towel and lays it under the umbrella. He than opens the cooler and hands me a bottled water, "if you need anything come get me." He gives me another kiss and walks towards the net. I take my phone out of my bag and put on my earphones. Music always makes me feel better. I need to snap out of this Peter thing I'm going through. It always happens when we spend time together like we did last night. I close my eyes and let the music take my thoughts away. I feel someone's lips on mine I slowly open my eye's and take my earphones off, "baby let's go you've been asleep forever." I look around and the beach is empty. I look back at Jacob, "What time is it?" He's packing things up, "a little after six" I jump up, "dang why did you let me sleep so long?" He pulls me into him, "because you looked so beautiful and peaceful I didn't want to disturb you." I look into his eyes, "your a sweetheart, thank you." He kisses me again, "your welcome" We pack our things and walk over to our cars. He holds me for a while in his arms, "so whats up for tonight?" I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, I think Stacey was saying she wanted to go see Peter perform tonight." He nods his head looking a little annoyed, "so your going to hang with them tonight?" "I'm not sure yet, what do you have planned?" He thinks a bit, "I don't know I'll text you later." I hold his face in my hands and give him a kiss, "k, maybe we can meet up?" I let him go and open my car door. He gives me a smile, "sounds like a plan, I'll talk to you later babe." I wave bye to him and drive off.

Peter's POV

I'm playing my guitar singing a R. Kelly song but my head is still thinking of Natalia. Damn she looked gorgeous sleeping on the beach. I just wanted to give her a big kiss on her lips. I should just tell her how I feel. I guess I'm just scared she'll reject me. I finish the song and try to shake Natalia out of my thoughts. I walk off stage towards Ryan, "hey can you give me a ride home so I can shower?" He gets up off the chair, "yeah but after you get ready we're stopping by my house so I can get ready too." I nod in agreement, "that's cool with me." We start to walk out when my dad sees us leaving, "where you two off to?" I take a drink of my water, "to take showers," He looks at me than Ryan, "Ryan tell me why does my kid like to stay at your house so much?" Ryan looks over to me thinking why is he asking me this, "I don't know, maybe cause we like staying up late playing video games," Ryan looks my way again. I look away thinking don't look at me. My dad knows I didn't spend the night at his house last night. I don't know how he knows but he knows. My dad looks at me, "is that what you guys did last night play video games all night?" I look at Ryan, "yeah and just hung out like I said this morning. " Ryan is so fucken confused he looks at my dad, "yeah, just play video games and hung out." My dad looks both of us over, "okay I'll see you guys later." We both walk away and I know whats coming. As soon as were outside Ryan stops and looks at me, "where in the fuck did you go last night or should I say sleep?" I don't answer him and keep walking towards his truck. We both get in and he stays looking at me, "did you fucken end up staying with Natalia?" I'm still not saying anything. He than starts the truck, "what the fuck your not going to tell me?" I finally look at him, "no." He starts driving to my house, "I tell you everything that's just fucked up, do you not trust me?" I stare out the window, "yeah I trust you but there's nothing to tell," Ryan continues to drive, "so you did stay the night at her house?" I turn up the radio, "yes," He quickly turns the radio off, "you did? Did you guys hook up," I shake my head a little, "no we didn't hook up she has a boyfriend remember? Besides we don't see each other that way." He starts laughing, "come on bro I've known you since you were what 3? I know if she gave you a shot you would take it." I shrug my shoulders a little, "maybe I would maybe I wouldn't." He laughs even louder, "she's hot as fuck don't lie yes you would," I roll my eyes, "whatever why are we even talking about this?" He turns off the truck and looks my way, "because your being sneaky so you must be feeling her?" I open the truck door and get out, "I'm not being sneaky, it wasn't a big deal so why should I mention it?" He follows me into the house, "Stacey told me Natalia told her about a year ago she would hook up with you." I stop in my tracks, "shut up." He walks into my room with me, "I'm not lying, just saying....," I walk over to my closet and grab some clothes, "I'll be out in a few," I walk out of my room to the bathroom. I wonder if Stacey really told him that shit or if he's just fucking with me. Damn what if he's not.

Later that night

After my performance we decide to go to Stacey's cause her mom and dad are out of town for the night. She said if she would of known her parents were planning this little trip she would of thrown a party but they didn't tell her until about an hour before they left. I'm sure they did that so she wouldn't throw a party. I'm looking at Natalia talk to Stacey and thinking about what Ryan told me earlier. Stacey pulls a bottle, "ha ha look what I have," Natalia looks at me and Ryan than back at her, "oh hell know, I'm not drinking tonight," Stacey rolls her eyes, "come on Natalia don't be that way," Natalia is looking at her phone, "if we drink that bottle I can just feel the trouble we are going to get into, besides Jacob is suppose to be hitting me up to hang out," Stacey grabs some shot glasses, "it's already 10:30 shouldn't he have already hit you up?" Natalia looks up from her phone looking bugged, "he probably thinks I'm still at Peter's performance." Stacey's starts to pour the alcohol into the shot glasses, "yeah or he might be at Crystals party tonight too." "Crystals having a party tonight?" She looks over to me and Ryan, "how come you guys aren't at Crystals party?" Ryan gets up and hands out the shots, "cause we'd rather hang out with you guys, bottoms up."

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