5 | Missing

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Mina gathered everyone in the common room. It was seven-thirty in the morning, and most seemed tired as they walked into the room. Some seemed scared, others anxious, some even guilty.

That was to be expected. Most of the class felt guilty for ignoring their class sunshine. Especially Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki.

They felt extremely guilty for ignoring someone they had considered a 'best friend'. They even had to ignore his constant calls and messages. It hurt like a stab to the heart, and they couldn't help but feel concerned for how Midoriya was handling it.

Izuku was a sensitive kid, and they suspected he had some kind of anxiety from the way he acted on the first day of U.A. They had been helping him but the prank would've made it worse, no doubt.

Iida felt guilty for stupidly believing Ashido's reason for the prank. He had blindly agreed to it, regardless of how he knew Midoriya would react. At this point, the wave of guilt was drowning him with how heavy it felt. If anything, he felt he was to blame. He was the class representative after all.

"Alright babes!" Ashido began, somehow in a happy mood, despite the earliness of the morning. "I gathered you all here to announce that the prank is officially over!"

Many sighed in relief, happy to be able to talk to the greenette again.

"Wouldn't this prank have had the negative effect, Ashido?" Iida asked. "You know how sensitive he is and yet you still forced us to continue with the prank."

"He is most definitely mentally stronger now, Iida-babe!" She reassured, or at least tried to. "And that means he will rely on us less in battle!"

She seemed happy. How can someone who ignores their friend seem so happy? It didn't make sense. How was she so confident that Izuku was 'fine' and 'mentally stronger'? No one would be 'fine' after something like this.

Uraraka pulled both Iida and Todoroki towards her, her voice coming out as a sort of whisper. "If it is over, we should go check on him. Who knows what Izuku is feeling right now?"

Uraraka wasn't using Izuku's nickname. She was serious. She pulled them towards the stairs, desperate to see the greenette.

No one could blame them. They knew the truth. They knew that Izuku was sensitive and anxious, yet they still went through with it. They had blindly agreed, getting themselves trapped in the endless cycle of ignorance.

Even Todoroki, who barely showed emotion due to his past, felt the guilt suffocating him as they rushed up the stairs. Midoriya had convinced him to use his left side, he was his first actual friend, and he ignored him for a stupid reason.

They reached his room, slightly out of breath. They had run up the stairs, after all. Uraraka knocked on the door, her hand shaking ever so slightly as it hovered in front of his room.

No response.

"Maybe he's mad at us?" Todoroki suggested.

Iida piped in. "Or he's asleep."

Uraraka knocked again. "Izuku, it's me. We just want to talk, if that's okay." She felt a tear prick her eye. "If you don't want to talk, we understand."

No response.

Iida put his ear to the door, listening for any signs of life within the room. He pulled away, concern written all over his face.

"I.. I couldn't hear his quiet snores or calm breaths.. " he confessed.

Was he not there?

Where was he?

Was he okay?

Was he injured?

Was he dead?

Todoroki walked forward, hand firmly wrapped around the knob as he sharply took in a breath.

It's now or never.

He twisted the knob, surprised that it wasn't locked. He always locked his door, especially when he was sleeping.

They walked in, expecting to find Midoriya sleeping soundly on the bed. They hoped they were worried for nothing. They hoped he wasn't too mad at them.

But he wasn't there.

His bed was a mess, like he had left in a hurry. There was no note either. That was strange. He'd usually leave a note to tell them where he went or he would've told someone where he was going.

They exited the room, making sure to leave the door slightly ajar. They hoped that Izuku had left a note in the kitchen, like he did sometimes, or at least tried to tell someone where he was going.

They trudged down the stairs, negativity flooding their minds. They were scared that Izuku might've been kidnapped by the league, or injured in a fight they had no idea about, or bleeding out somewhere waiting for someone to help him out.

They made it down the stairs, seeing the rest of the class lounging around in the common room. They were looking for a movie to watch, it seemed. How could they be so cheerful after doing something as horrible as ignoring a friend?

Regardless, they pushed that feeling away and walked into the common room.

"Has anyone seen Izuku?" Ochako asked, her tone slightly concerned.

Some turned to face the trio.

"No, why?" Denki asked. "'Ya looking for him?"

"Yes." Todoroki replied bluntly, emotions hidden. "We went to his room and he wasn't there. He didn't leave a note either."

Kirishima spoke up. "We haven't seen Midobro all morning. You sure he isn't in his room?"

Uraraka nodded before leaving the area with Todoroki in tow, Bakugou's shouts about how 'the damn nerd is fine' blending into the background.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Iida thanked them, his arms moving rhythmically as he left to catch up to the other two.

Uraraka paced back and forth as she questioned what to do. She could check his room again, check the training grounds, call Aizawa.

Wait, that was a good idea. Call Aizawa. Perhaps Midoriya went to the teachers' dorm to meet All Might.

The phone rang continuously as she grew impatient. Iida and Todoroki walked in, holding three mugs. They had fluffy whipped cream flowing over the edge, with little marshmallows dotted on top.

She accepted the mug and brought the hot liquid to her lips, recognizing the familiar chocolatey taste.

"Who are you calling?" Todoroki asked as he wiped some whipped cream from his mouth.

Uraraka put her mug down. "Mr Aizawa. Izuku might've gone to the teachers' dorms to see All Might, so I'm calling him to confirm that."

And he won't pick up.

Her prayers had been answered as a gruff voice answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Mr Aizawa!" Uraraka almost shouted as she motioned for Iida and Todoroki to be quiet.

"What do you need, problem child?"

She bit her nails anxiously. "Um, we were wondering if you know where Izuku is.."

"Isn't he in his room?"

"No, and the class said they hadn't seen him.." She took a sharp breath in. "We thought he might've gone to the teachers' dorms to see All Might.."

"No, he isn't here. Toshinori is still asleep."

Uraraka felt her soul leave her body. Her best friend was.. missing?

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