the begining

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ONCE there were two siblings, Alison and Greyson, who were playing hide and seek; the oldest being Alison, Who was looking for her brother Greyson, who was hiding ontop of a tree. Alison looked almost everywhere for him, in bushes, behind trees and even under logs, she would have searched for hours if greyson didn't let out a giggle when she was just under him, Alison looked to where Greyson was hiding, it was almost impossible to see him in all the leaves, but she was able to make out his leg as it didn't blend in as well as Greyson had hoped.
"Aha! There you are!"
Greyson climbed down from the tree that he was hiding in, he was kinda glad as a bit of wood was poking him in the back.
"Well done!" Greyson exclaimed "I was sure I would've won this time" they exchanged a few words as they walked back to their house; it was getting rather dark and mother was going to call them in soon. At their house, they're greeted by their mother who asked them all about their day, school, and if they've gone to far into the woods behind their house. Dinner was already at the table when they got back: Shepard's pie, their favorite. After they ate it was bedtime, their least favorite time of the day. Now your probably wondering when their BIG adventure actually starts, and don't worry, we'll get there soon. As when they got back from school the next day. They went back into the woods, this time playing tag, they played for hours when Alison got an idea.
"Say, why don't we go out deeper into the woods?" Alison said with a devilish smirk. "Are you nuts?" Said greyson bewildered, "mother and father specifically said not to go deep into the woods! Imagine the trouble we'll get into"
"Oh Don't be silly" alison said rolling her eyes "they probably won't even know we went out that far"
"I guess, but still!"
"Oh come on!" Alison insisted "where's your sense of adventure! And Here I was thinking you were all grown up"
"Hey!" Greyson exclamed "Oh alright fine! But when we get in Truble your getting all the blame." little did they both know that this little conversation would eventually lead them to an adventure none of them could possibly ever prepare for, one that would change both of their lifes forever. And off they went, walking over dead logs, jumping over rocks, and treading through fields of plants they couldn't identify. This in of itself was an adventure to them. But they soon came across an opening, and in this opening was a run down cabin. The windows were shattered, and the roof looked as if it would crumble under the weight of a feather, Greyson was understadably turned off by this, Alison however, was intreaged.

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