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AND off they went, thanking the strange bird before they left. But, as they walked more and more, they found themselves walking for a much longer time than they originally thought. "How far is this dumb village!?" Alison exclamed, almost yelling. "Oh shut up" Greyson followed annoyed "your the one who got us here in the first place, who are you to complain?". Alison got offended by Greysons words, "why you..." Alison stopped, thinking, "You're just a child, you don't know anything." One thing i forgot to mention at the start is that Alison is thirteen and Greyson's ten. Speaking of Greyson, he was very upset by that, but couldn't think of anything else to say back, so he didn't bother to, besides whenever they got into arguments like this in the past, it always dissolved into a fight. But that wasn't important at that moment, what was was that fainlty, they heard the sound of music in the distance, music perfectly baked into a pie that you could get lost in after one bite. However they didn't care so much about the music as much as they cared about the fact that they found what they were looking for, so they ran straight for it. And ran they did, they ran so fast that if you would blink then you would miss them, so fast that they almost smacked face first into plenty of the trees, although thankfully they didn't. As they ran, the music began to become louder and more beautiful, until they came across less trees, and soon a bricked pathway, and soon they were met with a bright, abd beautiful village. Although, why don't we go back to the bird? I know this feels like im dragging it out, and i am sorry, but i do feel that it is very important that we do so. You see, the bird watched them as they walked closer to the village, like a guardian angel, and the bird only stopped when they got to the village. When they did, the birdie flew high above the trees (which trust me was VERY high) and peered on, to the normal eye, all they would see is the sky, and also a mountain waaaaaaaay off in the distance, but this birdie could see farther. And he saw an ocean, a vast ocean, bigger than any you have seen. But one off the trees grabbed the little birdie. And pulled it into one of its branches, which surrounded the poor birdie in a ball. Then, it opened and the birdie was nowhere too be seen, actually there was no remains of a bird at all, if you were watching, you would think the birdie was dead. But you would be wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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