The new woods

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ANYWAYS back to the duo. Alison and Greyson chose a random direction and walked, greyson brought the book with them, it was actually rather light for its massive size, in the bag anyways. They took in the environment as they went, the ground was only solid dirt, there was nothing green at all, and the trees looked dead, and they were slowly starting to feel that they were being watched (truly even I dont know much about the woods ethier). Greyson listed for any noise, but all he could hear was the beating of his heart, and the pattering of their footsteps. As they walked further into the woods, the woods began to grow darker, the trees that tower over them start to decay, and a soft wind begins to swift the surroundings, this obviously scared the two even more, like when your lost in a large crowd and you got separated from your parent.
"How long have we been walking?" Alison asked nervously, "my legs feel like twigs!"
"Keep your head up Alison" Greyson said "im sure we'll find someone eventually". As they walked even more, greyson wondered what their parents were doing at that moment, but a huge sound stopped his train of thoughts, infact it was enough to get them both to stop breathing and freeze. after what felt like an eternity, they started to sprint walk away from the source of the sound. As they got far away enough, they felt comfortable walking at a normal pace again. After even more walking, they stumbled apon a hole the size of a cat.
"Hullo! Whats this?" Greyson said walking up to the hole
"What's a hole doing out here in a dead place like this?" Alison said following Greyson.
"I can't see the bottom" Greyson said peering down into the hole. Both Alison and Greyson looked at eachother, silently agreeing that it's just a hole, so they started to walk again. Then they heard the flapping of wings come from behind them. And then a bird flew over their heads and landed a few feet infront of them, the bird looked exactly like a robin you would see at the park, but what separated it from a robin, is that it had a giant mouth where its would be.
"Why hello there" the bird said calmly "don't get visitors this deep into the woods, what are you two doing here?" Alison and Greyson looked at each other, expecting the other to answer its question. But none of them did or intended too, an awkward amount of time passes (it was really only 10 seconds) when Alison decided to bite the bullet and answer the bird's question. "We opened a large book and ended up in these woods" alison said "we walked around and We found ourselves here" "Is that so?" The bird said "if thats the case, then you two must go to the village, its straight north from here". Greyson was more than willing to leave the woods, however Alison didn't fully trust the  bird, however she knew that they didn't have any other options.

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