#16 Face-Off

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Mark, standing tall and composed, locked eyes with Matt. His voice was calm but firm as he addressed Matt. "Violet has made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to you. I suggest you give her the space she needs."

Matt's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and frustration. He took a step forward, his jaw clenched tightly as he struggled to regain control of the situation. He shot back, "Why don't you mind your own business, new boy? This doesn't concern you."

Mark's gaze met Matt's head-on, unwavering in its intensity. Mark's voice remained calm and collected as he responded, "Now, I don't know what your problem is.. But I won't stand by silently while you disrespect her. "

The tension in the air thickened as their gazes locked in an unyielding battle, each one determined to assert their dominance. I could feel the weight of their confrontation pressing against my chest, suffocating me with its intensity.

Matt, fueled by his frustration, couldn't resist provoking Mark. He took a step closer., "Oh, look who's playing the hero now!" Mark remained calm and composed, his focus solely on diffusing the situation.

But Mark simply stood his ground and calmly stated, "Don't touch me." A small smile played on Matt's lips, thinking he had gotten under Mark's skin. Emboldened, he attempted to push Mark again, but this time, Mark swiftly blocked the push with his forearm.

Mark's voice remained steady as he said, "I won't let you intimidate me. This ends here." The power dynamics had shifted, leaving Matt momentarily speechless, as Mark's composed demeanor began to assert its dominance.

The commotion caught the attention of everyone around, including Scarlett and her gang. They formed a circle, eagerly awaiting the next move in this face-off.

Matt, unable to hold back anymore, lunged at Mark, and a full-on fight ensued. The sound of fists connecting with flesh echoed through the hallway as they exchanged blows. My heart raced with fear as I watched the fight unfold.

I let out a gasp, quickly covering my mouth in shock. Lou and Carina, standing next to me, were equally taken aback, their faces reflecting the disbelief and concern that filled the air. I hoped for someone to step in and put an end to the violence, but no one did.

Summoning all my courage, I took a step forward, my voice trembling but determined. "Stop!" I shouted, my words echoing through the tumultuous air. The crowd momentarily paused, their attention shifting to me. I pleaded with all my heart, "Please" Matt and Mark momentarily halted their fists mid-air, their eyes shifting between me and each other.

As the crowd held their breath, waiting for a response, Mark slowly lowered his fist and took a step back, his gaze fixed on mine. Matt mirrored his actions, his face showing a mix of surprise and relief. The tension in the air slowly dissipated like wisps of smoke, leaving behind an eerie sense of stillness.

Matt and Mark exchanged a brief glance, their eyes communicating a silent understanding that passed between them. His gaze shifted between me and Mark. He hesitated for a moment before finally deciding to walk away. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the tension had dissipated.

I watch as Scarlett walks over to Matt, and they start arguing. She looks visibly upset, clearly aware that the fight was about me.

I shake my head as I turn back to Mark and my friends. Lou and Carina rush up to me, their concerned expressions mirroring my own emotions. I offer them a reassuring nod, silently conveying that I'm okay. Then, I lock eyes with Mark and speak my mind, "You know, you don't have to defend me like that. I mean.. I appreciate your support, but I can handle myself."

Mark's face softened, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. His voice was gentle as he spoke, "I know.. I-" He paused for a moment, his gaze searching mine for any signs of vulnerability or hurt.

"Mark," I began cautiously, my voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and skepticism, "why did you feel the need to step in?

Mark's gaze met mine, and there was something in the way he held himself that made me want to believe in him. "I just.."

He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished as his eyes wandered. I couldn't help but be drawn to his genuine concern.

A part of me longed to let go of my guard and lean on him, to revel in the strength he offered. But I had built walls around my heart, fortified by past disappointments and heartbreaks. It was difficult for me to trust anyone, especially someone as mysterious as Mark.

I looked at him, carefully studying his face for any traces of deception or hidden agendas. But all I saw was an earnestness that resonated deep within me. It was as if he wanted nothing more than to offer solace and support.

"Thank you, Mark," I smiled.

Mark's eyes, though guarded, seemed to soften as he returned my smile. A weight seemed to lift off his broad shoulders, as if my appreciation had touched a tender part of him.

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