Prolog: Stranded

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This fic takes place after the movie Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions, but I think you don't have to have seen the movie to read this FF.

In the beginning there won't be any romantic stuff, since those two didn't ever have had those feelings.
So it will take a long journey before love can come to be. 

In any case, have fun. (^∀^●)ノシ


So delicate.

So soothing.

A gentle sound drifted distantly to his consciousness in an irregular beat. It reminded him of the shallow song of the ocean. Oh the ocean, how often he had sought out this wonderful sound when life lay heavy on him and the thoughts seemed never-ending. When he needed distance again. Could not express what was tearing him apart inside.

It was the only friend with whom he could drop the facade and let himself sink into the deep blue. He associated something very special with this clear blue.


Calming forgetting and looking forward. Remembering that things can get better at any time. Following the waves, letting himself drift empty inside until they washed away all problems like a work of art in the sand and gave his optimism new strength again.

Yes, he could trust this blue. It was the only true home for him. And he therefore did not feel the urge to wonder where this sea noise came from. There was, nevertheless, the most shelteredness here.

But...the noise, it became louder. Came closer and closer until it changed from a gentle soothing sound, to a deafening roar which was unpleasant to his aching head.

It scratched at his consciousness. Tried to tear him from the comfort of his beloved blue ocean, and as he flinched slightly from the irritating sounds, an uncomfortably bright light forced its way behind his closed eyelids.

His body felt strangely heavy. His fingers lightly gripped the ground and let fine sand slide through them.

His face was softly bedded in it.

Joey opened his eyes sluggishly.

The bright light burned in them, not allowing him to see his surroundings. He squeezed them painfully shut again and was about to curse loudly when only a whistling caw left his throat, quickly turning into a tortured cough.

Joey leaned heavily on his arms and knees to get better air. The brittle lips, which had not seen water for so long, cracked at the sudden movements in his facial expression.

Fine grains of sand stung his chest and he struggled to get rid of them. The dryness of his throat did not allow a relieving swallow but only left him longer in the aching circle of his raspy cough.

It took Joey a while to finally get over this irritation, while he realized something else. His body was so hot.

His blond hair was sticking to his neck and forehead with sweat. It was the bright sun that literally baked him in his long clothes. Especially the green leather jacket and bleached jeans were not made for this weather. Well, at least he was spared a worse sunburn because of it.

Joey lifted his gaze and looked in front of him. Still a little blurry, deep green lay before him. A thicket of tropical plants which was lined with tall palm trees on the edge of the white beach.

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