Chapter 1: Starfall

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Main Summary

A collection of OC's/Self-Inserts in Beauty and the Beasts. Not full stories. Contains crossovers with other fandoms sometimes. One Shots & Prompts only – some may have continuous chapters if I'm fond of the storyline.

I did this because I have too many ideas but not enough willpower to finish each story.

Beware: A mix of short and long chapters. Depends on my mood. Many mistakes are made and will be edited later.

Read if you want to - I mostly did this for me.

(Yes. I'm aware I have a lot of stories in this fandom. Sue me, but I enjoy it.)

Chapter 1 Summary

A Star has fallen into the Beast World. A body made of starlight is replaced by one made of flesh and blood.

As a young Star from the Serpent Constellation, Lyra is heartbroken at being stranded on land. She missed her celestial family up above. She didn't want to be here! No Star has ever been on land! Or have an organic body. But there was no going back now – she was stuck here whether she liked it or not.

While her body was now made of solid flesh, Lyra's starlight still burned within her, manifesting in different ways. Something that she was thankful for as she navigates her life among the beast people. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any other fandoms that are mentioned. I do not own any of the images. 


She wasn't supposed to be here.

It was unheard of for a Star to be on land.

Then again, she was now a Fallen Star.

No longer part of a constellation. Her brothers and sisters twinkled down at her, their celestial bodies so far away, their starlight looking like mere dots across the sky from her new point of view on the ground.

Lyra was a young Star born in the Serpent Constellation. While she wasn't the brightest one in the sky (that honour goes to her grandmother), she was still happy with her life and loved her large celestial family.

Now she'll never feel the warmth of their light ever again. She remembered her siblings screaming as she suddenly fell towards the land. Not even the massive forms of her parents could do anything to stop her fall. They would have caused catastrophic events if they got too close together or close to the planet she'd landed on.

Lyra could still hear their horrified screams ringing in her ears as she sat up in the crater, looking dazed but unharmed.

Mind numb and still in shock, she looked down at her new form. It was so different from her original body of light.

Shakily, Lyra brought up her hands and stared at them in terrified disbelief.

Oh, God's! Hands! Actual fleshy hands!

She had hands now. Her body was now organic. Flesh instead of light. It felt so wrong. Her body wasn't supposed to be this heavy. It's all wrong!

Lyra grimaced as she took in the rest of her new body. Pale skin, two arms, two legs, hands, head, feet, fingers, toes and the two large bumps on her chest which she recognised as breasts. She'd seen the usual land females with them when she was people watching from up above.

Touching the slightly heavy mass connected to her head, Lyra's new hand grabbed a handful of something smooth and an almost white colour.

Wait. She knew this! Hair! She had hair now. Hesitantly, she ran her new hands through it, marvelling at how nice it feels. What colour was this? It wasn't white. It looked like it had a hint of sunshine in it.

Blonde! That's it! Lyra had blonde hair now which reached her waist.

A shimmer in the corner of her eye grabbed her attention, making her gasp in delight.

My starlight! I still have my own light!

Across her pale body, a white glow seemed to shine from her skin, somewhat similar to her previous body's starlight, but much duller in comparison.

Lyra giggled in relief at having some of her starlight left in her. A giddy grin on her face as her hands brushed over the glowing parts of her body. If she concentrated hard enough, she could will different parts of her to glow or even make it stop.

She wiggled her new toes and watched in amusement as the nails glowed white before dimming down.

Lyra brought her long hair in front of her and stared at it. I wonder.....?

She yelped in surprise when it lit up like her skin, the long locks shining brightly.

With her heart now feeling lighter after this discovery, Lyra looked up towards the night sky, staring at the Serpent Constellation where her family were, shining down at her. She tried not to stare at the empty spot where she used to be.

I'll be okay, she thought determinedly. The Gods brought me down here for a reason. I don't like it but I'll do what I can to survive until my time comes to join you guys again up above.

Lyra felt something wet drip down her face and slowly brought her hand up to her cheeks, feeling something wet. Some kind of sparkling liquid was on her hand.

Oh. So, these are tears. Lyra thought with numb realisation.

She'd seen the beast people leak clear liquid from their eyes whenever they were sad. Hers must be different due to what she was.

As a Star, her kind starting dimming if they were sad or depressed, their starlight getting weaker. A dangerous thing to happen since it could lead to your early demise.

Guess I don't have to worry about that since I'm not a Star anymore.

Her chest felt heavy as more liquid dripped down from her eyes.

As Lyra curled into a ball in the crater, the starlight in her skin dimmed down until it stopped glowing all together. 


Curtis stared towards the distant hills in disbelief.

Did that really just happen?

Just a few moments ago, he'd gone hunting and brought his kill back to his cave. After he'd eaten his meal for the night, Curtis decided to remain outside his cave for a while.

He sat by the entrance, staring up at the night sky, wondering if his life would ever change.

Was this it? Am I meant to be alone for the rest of my life? I've seen one-striped beastmen with happier lives than me! They have females and even cubs to come home to! And what do I have? No one. Because no female would ever willingly consider having a Feral as a mate.

Curtis sighed, his blood red eyes catching sight of the constellation named after his kind.

The Serpent Constellation.

He smirked, feeling a bit smug. Even though his kind were abhorred by the rest of the world, at least the Beast God was kind enough to create a constellation for them. Some beastmen, like the peacocks, weren't included at all among the stars.

Curtis blinked. He rubbed his eyes but still saw the same thing. 

Something was different about the stars today.

Was it him or was that star getting brighter?


His jaw dropped as the bright ball of light – A Star – fell towards the land. A thundering boom was heard as he froze on the spot and watched it land near the hills somewhat near him.

Curtis wanted to slap himself for freezing like a weakling no-stripe beastman, but a surge of curiosity and excitement built up in him.

A Star!

A Star had fallen onto the land! And right near him, too!

Quickly shifting into his red snake form, Curtis slithered towards the hills where the star landed.

This he had to see! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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