Awesome depressed!PrussiaXReader

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(Sorry about all of the "Depressed! Oneshots but I just had this idea. There will be more happy ones later! On with the story!!)
You walk out of the house with a slam of the door. You heave your belongings you packed into the trunk of your vehicle and you call your best friend Gilbert Beilschmidt. The voicemail seems to be answering you more then him lately. You run your hands through your (h/l) hair and get in the car. Planning on going on a vacation, you quickly decide that Gilbert is more important. He hasn't seemed like himself lately.
After driving for a while you pull into his driveway. You try to call him and yet again no answer is given to you. You hang up your phone and grab the spare key he keeps for when you needed to stop by. You open the door and call out for him.
"Gil?" You call gently. You have silence as an answer.
You search the entire house until there is one place left, his bedroom. You try to open the door but it's locked. After knocking a few times and only hearing faint breathing as a reply you break the door down to get to him.
You find him on the floor holding a gun and clicking empty rounds against his head. You notice bullets already shot bent and ripped on the ground. Knowing that he is a personified country, it clicks that he can't die as easily. You feel your eyes start to water and you slowly pry his hands off of the empty weapon.
His ruby bloodshot eyes glance at you before he lets out a sob and hugs your waist. You bend down and sit beside him, letting him rest his gentle head on your comforting shoulder. You pet his hair to try to calm him down. His crying doesn't cease easily and his sobs fight to become quiet whimpers. Inhaling deeply you turn your entire body to face him; you brush his bangs out of his beautiful eyes.
You bite your lip before opening your mouth to breathlessly plead, "Talk to me."
His eyes meet yours and you feel tears run down your face. You quickly dry your eyes or attempt to keep up with them at the least.
"Frau they're right," he cries in his native accent.(Sorry I'm not going to even attempt.) "The other countries. They are right. Prussia is dead. Prussia isn't worth anything anymore. If my country is dead, if my empire is dead, then, (Y/N), why aren't I?"
You slow your tears and get a strong enough voice to say, "Because you can't die Gilbert. I wont-- I won't let you die."
His eyes widen slightly and his face takes on a different shape. A surprised one. He looks at you before running a hand through his silky platinum hair.  He doesn't break eye contact with you as you let yourself sob. What if it would have worked? What would you have done if you had lost not only your best friend, but the true love of your life?
"Gilbert, Ich liebe dich," you breathe before wrapping your arms around him. "And I will help you get through this. I know it looks bleak and dark but I promise that I will help you find a light in your life."
"Ich.." He breathes grabbing your chin to make you look at him. "How did I get so lucky for a liebe like you to love me?"
"You're not lucky Gilbert. You're just that awesome. Even if you can't see it right now. Let me show you, how truly awesome you are."

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