CanadaxReader: Needing time

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Requested by the lovely Suzz_the_buzz ! Go check her thingy out and please keep requesting!!

Warning: cussing/cursing. However you say it. Also, bad grammar in the dialogue. I talk like this in real life so please bare with me.

Onward my friends!!
I know that he has to hate me. I mean come on, it's totally obvious. I'm loud, and he's quiet. He's laid back, and I'm bouncing off the walls. I never stop talking, and he acts like he's mute. I'm sometimes over the top, and he.. I can never get enough of him.

If the dirty looks that he threw at me weren't enough, the annoyed tone of voice bellowing "I hate you; go die" did. He refused to ever have a full conversation with me, and his brother is the only reason that we even are around each other. He made that obvious with his piercing violet eyes judging my every movement.

So why in the hell did he invite me to get Tim Horton's with him, again?

Either way I went. I made myself look okay in my Toronto Maple Leaves tee and (bun/ponytail/braid/updo of your choice). Boots quietly shuffling on the floor I tried not to fall and make a fool of myself. I meet eyes with the blond and smile. I get a cold glare back from him. I sit next to him after ordering my (coffee/tea) and tilt my head to the side. I try starting the conversation a few times but he doesn't even acknowledge my presence as I speak.

"Okay Matthew or Canada or whatever you want me to call you. I don't say this often so I'm not repeating myself," my loud voice echoes through the seemingly empty cafe. "You hate me.-"

"You're right," his soft voice carries with a sharp edge that stings my heart.

"So why invite me here? This is my favorite place to get a quick bite, and this is the fifth time this month."

"Alfred told me you'd like it here. He's not a big fan, so I needed someone who would truly enjoy this with me," he says voice shaking a bit.

"Well... Thank you," I say after pausing for a second. I look back up and smile up at him. "You know, you seem soft spoken, and if I talk to much I'm sorry. But I'd like to get to know you. I didn't get to know you that well the first time we met with Alfred and all." I get nothing back but silence

"Are you going to take good care of my brother?" He asks out of the blue, his eyes boring into my own (e/c) orbs.

"What do you mean 'take care of him?'" I ask, my eyes narrowing in confusion.

"When you guys start dating eh?-" he starts but I cut him off with laughter, and me almost choking on my beverage.

"Me? And Al?" I giggle. "Oh my lord no! That's like dating my brother! Oh ick!"

"Oh?" He asks looking confused and loosing all the hate in his voice within a split second. "But I thought you liked him."

"No! Oh no no no, Matthew! You got me all wrong!" I laugh setting my warm drink down to look at him. "That is not me at all! Yeah, I'm loud and stuff like him. I play video games and stuff but I don't want to date him. We've actually talked about it before. We were both grossed out at the thought. He's not my type, so to speak."

"Eh? So who do you like? Or what's your type like? Wouldn't you like big strong loud guys and like body builders eh?-" he starts but I stop him with a chuckle.

"Woah woah woah! Slow down Mattie! We really don't know each other at all," I smile. "We need to change that. One question at a time okay?"

"O-okay," his voice sounding shy and nervous.

"Okay to answer your first question, I-I don't know who I would like to date completely. I have a guy in mind but I don't really know him well... Either! I mean I don't know him well either! I don't do flirting, and being serious, and having adult talks well," I say a cold sweat rolling down my back as my face and ears heat up like a stovetop.

I see him grin at me a bit. I know he saw right through it. I knew I shouldn't have opened my mouth. He's probably just trying to be polite because I have been trying to be nice. I screwed this up, I know it!

"Okay. Would you like to ask me anything?"

"Why?" I fire off instantly. I then realize I need to clarify, so I try again. "Why do you hate me?"

After a sigh he glances down to his coffee. "I thought you were exactly like my brother. I don't hate him, but.." He sighs again and I feel my face contort in confusion. "But I don't hate you. I just said I did because I didn't want someone else to just act like I wasn't there all the time. I know Alfred doesn't do it on purpose, but it hurts. I figured I'd act like I hated you so that you wouldn't ignore me like the rest of them."

"Mattie, m-may I call you Mattie?" I ask. He shakes a small nod toward his coffee. I take it as a yes and I grab his hands gently.

I start over after getting over the shy/nervous stutters. "I'm not Alfred. I'm loud. I'm obnoxious sometimes.. Okay a lot of the time.. But I'm not a girl Alfred. I won't ignore you like he does. I will never treat you like you're not there. Matthew... I'm loud so people can't ignore me. I'm obnoxious to make people glance at me. I'm everywhere all the time because the energy demands to be seen. I used to be silent and never looked at. I used to be a shadow. I know how that feels. I won't put you through that. You deserve better then that. You're a country after all, dammit!"

His eyes are glassy and his hair is in his face completely. He looks up at me with his messy dirty blond hair hanging over his eyes trying to hide the tears that I can see.

"You mean it (Y/N)?" He questions, his voice cracking.

I stand up, march over to the not-so-secret sweetheart I am now shown and pull him up in my hug. I continue my embrace, squeezing my eyes shut. I notice us rocking gently as I stand on the balls of my feet to keep his head resting upon my shoulder. I readjust my arms so they wrap around his neck. I feel his arms slowly creep around my back and hold me in a tight embrace.

"Matthew we could have hang out long before this," I mutter. "You could have told me this before."

I pause, but before he can apologize, I continue.

"But you also could have refused to meet me. You could have never told me this. You could have never invited me here," I smile at him and run a hand through his thick long hair. "Thank you... For opening up to me. We needed this."
---Time Skip brought to you by Kuma---

After a few days of meeting up at Tim Horton's and talking amongst ourselves, I learned much about the sweet Canadian. His favorite food, his favorite color, how he adores Dr. Who like me! Everything! Well, almost everything...

I walk into the shop, and see Mattie. Our eyes connect and I feel a different sort of tension then before. Not the mean one that screamed "Go away!", but the odd one that makes your stomach churn and makes your face flush. The one that recharges you when you have a rough day, and makes you smile with your eyes, even on your darkest days. The one your being and soul yearn for. The one that reminds you of the Prince Charming in the fairytale books.

"Matthew," I gulp. "I could have confessed my attraction toward you a long time ago... But I thought you hated me and it killed me. Knowing that you were just scared hurts me still, but relieves me. I don't know if that makes me sick or selfish, but I promise you that you don't have to be afraid, and I hope you see that now.."

"(Y/N) we could have been together a very long time ago," he breathes. "We just needed time."

"I want to know you more, Matthew Williams."

"As do I with you, (Y/F/N)"

We both smile at each other. I feel like butterflies decided to brawl against my stomach as I look at him.

"Then let's start."
I hope you liked it! It's not that great and I'm sorry!!! 😥

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