Happy b-day Shadow part 1

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Darkmoon: Come on Moonlight u need to help me prepare Shadow's birthday

Moonlight:Ok Dark so how are we going to plan this

Darkmoon:ok so i got these decorations that looks like Shadow's trademark,guns,and the darkrider

Moonlight: wow thats awesome ok so what do u need me to do

Darkmoon: Can u bake a cake

Moonlight: what type?

Darkmoon: Chocolate or vanilla

Shadow Enters the room

Shadow:hey Dark

Rena: hi Shadzy *Whispers in Moonlight's ear* Ok Moonlight i'm doing to ask Shadow if he wants for cake but not obvious


Darkmoon:So Shadow do u want to come with me to the bakery for breakfast

Shadow:Can I get a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting

Darkmoon: Sure*looks at Moonlight and winks and heads out the door*Come on Shadow. we can take my Car

Shadow:Can we go on the Darkrider

Darkmoon: sure

With Moonlight

Moonlight:Wow.Dark has her way to make people talk but i need to start the cake SILVER!!!!

Silver: Yes Moonlight.

Moonlight:Can u help me bake a cake for Shadow's B-day

Silver:Sure what type

Moonlight:Chocolate cake with vanilla frosting

Silver: ok so how do I start

Moonlight:can u please start mixing the batter. and make sure that it is fluffy

Silver:ok Moon(Moon is Moonlight's nickname)

Sorry i'm late updateing the part so sorry

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