Shadow&Darkmoon can sing?!

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Rouge:So Dark you ready to sing next to your knight in shinning Armor

Darkmoon:*blushing*Rouge don't say it out loud he might hear you

Shadow:*Walking towards Rouge and Darkmoon *hi Dark,Rouge

Darkmoon:hi Shadow

Shadow:So Dark you ready to sing next to the ultimate lifeform

Darkmoon:yea so i was thinking we could sing All of me

Shadow:by Nightcore

Darkmoon:yea how did you know

Shadow:i just know so are you ready to sing


5 minutes later

Rouge:ladys and gentleman Club Rouge is proud to present Shadow & Darkmoon the hedgehogs

Music begins

Shadow:*Starts singing* What would I do without your smart mouth drawing me in and you kicking me out you got my head spining no kidding i can't pin u down

Darkmoon:*Starts singing* What's going on in that beautiful mind I'm on your magical mystery ride and I'm so dizzy,don't know what hit me but I'll be alright

Shadow:My head's underwater but I'm breathing fine you're crazy and I'm out of my mind

Darkmoon & Shadow: Cause all of me loves all of you loves your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections give your all to me I'll give my all to you your my end and my beginning even when i lose I'm winning Cause I'll give you all of me and you give me all of you

Darkmoon:How many times do i have to tell you. Even when you're crying you're beautiful too the world is beating you down I'm around through every mood

Shadow:you're my downfall you're my muse my worst distraction,my rhythm and blues i can't stop singing it's ringing in my head for you

Shadow & Darkmoon:My head's underwater but I'm breathing fine your crazy and I'm out of my mind cause all of me loves all of you love your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections give your all to me I'll give my all to you you're my end and my beginning even when i lose I'm winning cause i give you all of me and you give me all of you Cause i give you all of me and you give me all of you

End of song



Sonic:wow i never knew you guys can sing

Shadow: * wacks sonic's head* we showed you 3 years ago

Darkmoon:Stupid Sonic

Sonic: hey!

Darkmoon:bye bye* Runs away *

Sonic:Dark get your butt over here!*Runs after Darkmoon *


Shadow: -_-

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