Some truth or Dare pt 2

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(I don't own any characters except for Darkmoon & Zero.Sonic and Shadow belong to Sega®)

Zero&Shadow:*Follows Darkmoon*

Darkmoon:*grabs the picture and shows Zero & Shadow* See

Zero:&I still see the girl who is like my little sis to me😉

Darkmoon:&I still see the guy who is like my big bro😊

Shadow:*thoughts*God damn it how am i to get her attention when Zero is her childhood freind*End of thoughts*

Darkmoon:*pokes Shadow's nose*hello Shadow you there

Shadow:huh! what?

Zero:Shadz get ur head out of the clouds😐

Shadow:Since ur new here i will yell DON'T CALL ME-

Darkmoon:Just don't call Shadow by his nickname 😅


Darkmoon:well we should go back to Sonic before he finds the Chillidogs*Walks back to the living room only to see Sonic asleep&Wispers*Sonic get up


Darkmoon:well he's knockout cold aww well looks like we have to eat all the Chillidogs without Sonic*puts up 3 fingers and count down to zero*


Darkmoon:*smirks*u will get Chillidogs at lunch



Sonic: ̄ 3 ̄ ̄ 3 ̄




Darkmoon:well That was fun but I've got some news... Zero is going to stay


Zero:Yep Shadzy-boy I'm gonna stay


Darkmoon:hey Shadow something wrong

Shadow:no everything is alright

Darkmoon:ok then Shadow can you take Zero to the spare room plz*puppy eyes*

Shadow:God thoughs puppy eyes.Fine I'll take Zero to the spare room

Darkmoon:Tnx Shadzy*kisses Shadow's cheek*

Shadow:*tint of pink on his cheeks*Follow me Zero well if u can keep up


Shadow:*starts walking to the spare room*

Zero:uhhh...Shadow i have a question


Zero:Well is Darkmoon single?



Shadow:here is the spare room *opens the door to the spare room* get ur stuff in here&come down to lunch*starts leaving to the kitchen*

Zero:but you still haven't-


Shadow:*Leaves the hall*

In the kitchen

Darkmoon:Hey Shadow what's up

Shadow:Nun,...*tint pink blush*Uhh Dark i got a question to ask you


Zero:*Goes to the kitchen*Hey Darkie,uhh these are for you*Hands Darkmoon a rose bouquet*

Darkmoon:Awww these are beautiful tnx Zero😊,Now what did you wanna tell me Shadow

Shadow:I wanted to ask you if u wanted to go hangout tomorrow
Author's note: hey guys author-Chan here I just wanted to say I think this might be too long so I might be making the part before this and the next couple parts into one to make a story because I fear that if I write all of this it will be too long so what do you guys think write down your opinions in the comments down below and thanks for reading bye

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