$|•Last Race•|$

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Pov : Kimberley
Finally, we are only 5 now so it's mean we are almost done and their will be a race to know who's gonna be the driver for Nissan, I won't lie 'cause if I win the race I will race for Nissan but another part of me want to race for BMW but I think when I will have enough money I will try to be in BMW but for now let's race for Nissan. Actually I'm on my phone chatting with Calix when someone enter in the dorm, I look to see who it is and instantly regret it, it's my dad standing in front of me, now I know they're two possibilities, either my dad make me pack everything and never become a driver or he beat me up before dragging me out of the academy so now I'm a bit scared.
- “What you doing here ?”
- “I should ask you the same question you little brat.”
- “I'm here for my dream.”
- “You wanna die like that, like you were nothing.”
- “It's not like you and mom were better.”
- “I have enough of you, you're just a little brat who is ungrateful !”
- “Cool, It's mutual, I mean i have enough of you, mom and that asshole including his friends so. . .”
I feel my right cheek burning, I understand that he just slap me really hard cutting me in my sentence, I got up and look at him, he push me in the face making me fell back on the bed, he take my hair and make me look at him, I could see anger in his eyes, I knew that everything is over now, that he will beat me up and certainly leave me almost dead on the floor but I certainly be more happy to go away from this cruel world than staying so I just close my eyes and think about those beautiful memories I had with Calix and Lewis by chatting and now I was ready to leave this world.
Pov : External
Kimberley was now in her father hands who was beating her up, she was already bleeding at some spot but she was accepting her destiny to die today but. . . She was right in a way, the world we live in his cruel as Fuck so leaving this world right now was the better option.
Kimberley fall on the floor 'cause her father just let go of her because Jack Salter had arrived not seeing her gathering around so he came to see where she was and found that instead of Kimberley laying down on her bed on her phone, she had almost touch the floor when someone catch her, she open a bit her eyes and just look at him before closing them again knowing she was safe now. Jack call the security and they take Kimberley's father away, once he was away Jack look at Kimberley and said to the man who was holding her to take her to the hospital, he didn't say anything, he just take her and leave with her in his arms.
[At the hospital]
It has been 1 or 2 hours since the man had taken Kimberley to the hospital, this doctor had take her in a room and didn't say anything since. Jack had arrived certainly 30 minutes after them, he was getting worried of not getting any information about Kimberley.
Finally, one hour later a nurse come out of the room followed by a doctor, the doctor come up to Jack and the man.
- "Are you a family member ?"
- "No but she doesn't have parents so I'm her legal guardian."
- "Okay, she is fine, she have some broken ribs but in 3 weeks it should be good."
- "Thanks doctor, is she awake ?"
- "Yes she is, you can go see her."
- "Thanks doctor."
The doctor leave them both and they go into the room at first Kimberley didn't pay attention to who was with Jack and just greets them but once Jack was on the side she couldn't believe who was standing there.
- "Am I dreaming ?"
- "I don't know, wanna try to know ?"
- "Y. . . yeah."
The man came forward and Kimberley touch him, she couldn't definitely believe that her crush was there in front of her, that he has saved her life earlier.
- "Oh my gosh, it's really you, Lewis Hamilton."
- "Yes it's me, Miss."
- "How !? Why !? When !?"
- "Calm down, I will explain to you later Miss, you should rest for now."
- "Yeah, your right just, just I don't wanna be alone here."
- "Want me to stay Miss ?"
Kimberley doesn't reply and just pulls Lewis's sleeve for answer, Lewis chuckles on that cute action from Kimberley before telling Jack he can go and do everything he needs to do while she is here. Sometimes later the doctor comes back to check if everything is okay.
- "Excuse me, did you end up in a hospital before today ?" The doctor asked after checking some data.
- "Y... Yeah, I already ended up in a hospital here in France." Kimberley replied.
- "You were 14 years old, right ?" The doctor ask.
- "Yeah, it was because I got beat up and I wasn't breathing at the moment." Kimberley replied looking away.
- "Yes it is, you come back here with the same thing again." The doctor said writing something.
- "Yeah but it will be okay when I get my dream job." Kimberley said with a sad look.
The doctor said Kimberley could get out today of the hospital under condition, if she is watch 24/24 h and she doesn't do anything that need strength. After Jack arrives with a bag, he gives it to Kimberley and she changes into a sweater, a jogging and a pair of sneakers, after signing the papers they all return to the academy.
Pov : Kimberley
It has been three weeks since the incident, Lewis is still here and I'm slowly recovering from my broken ribs. I'm actually at the gym to train a bit knowing that the last race will be in two weeks and I definitely need to win that race.
- "You should be in bed, Miss." I heard.
- "No, I need to train, to win the last race." I replied not turning back.
- "Give me some space, Miss." He said.
- "After that I'm going to the simulator room." I said.
- "Fine by me, Miss." He replied and we trained together.
After sometime we got to the simulator room, we raced each other and it was fun, after that we ended up racing on the track with the cars. I think I never had so much fun in my life.  
____Two weeks later____
Finally, it's the day of the last race, we are five on the grid and it's the first one who gets the seat, I'm ready to win and leave that hell of life I have. I know that most of the participants will play dirty so I'ma play dirty too and I know very well how to play dirty. Lewis is here to support me and the others don't believe it.
It's almost time for the race, I'm checking the car I will drive and there's something off about the brakes, if something is really off about the brakes that won't be a problem I know how to do with it, I will close everyone's mouth.
Here we are, Jack is explaining the rules for the race. We got in our car and when the lights went off I could see everyone flying away, I'm doing what I know to do, there are 5 laps, on the first lap I overtake two, on the second I overtake one so now I have one left to overtake and keep my first place... And shit the brakes just freeze, I can take it in drift and unfreeze them, now I know what was off about the brakes but that won't stop me, only two laps to go, I can do it and here I'm you little spoiled brat. I just overtake the last one, the brakes freeze again but it wasn't a problem and here I'm, I win I have my seat at Nissan.
I step out of the car and go up to Jack to know the results. He has a big smile on his face and Lewis who is just next to him has one too, I know what it means, it means that I got my seat in the Nissan Team.
I jumped at Lewis neck, happy with that victory I just had, I won my seat with freeze brakes and some spoiled brat around. Jack sent me a questioning look before he pulled me in a hug, I know why he sent me that look.
- “What is your question, Jack ?”
- “What happened with the drifting style ?”
- “Let me show you guys.”
- “They freeze while I was racing and honestly I love taking my drift style out.”
- “Hey Jack, what's that in the brakes?”
- “Pull it out Lewis.”
- “A paper, it seems like there is something written on it.”
- “Give me that Lew'.”
- “So what does it say, Miss ?”
- “When is my first race in a competition ?”
- “In two weeks, at the Nürburgring track, why ?”
- “You are coming Lew' ?”
- “Certainly, I wouldn't miss your first race.”
- “When do we leave for Germany ?”
- “In two days....”
- “Let's celebrate my victory of having a seat at Nissan.”
What could I say more, that my own father tried to kill me after the last time he tried, no, I just wanna party and forget about it for two nights straight by getting drunk until we leave for Germany.
____At Night____
We are in a club, celebrating my seat at Nissan. Lewis, Jack and some staff members are here. I'm at the bar asking for a drink, once I have it I'm going back on the dance floor, Lewis is in the VIP space with Jack talking about the note of earlier.
Suddenly, I feel warmth in my back and hands on my hips. I turn around to find a view unfamiliar but I'm too drunk to think about it. The man takes me to the bathroom and starts touching me everywhere. I asked him to stop but he didn't, I could see now my worst nightmare.
Someone barges in and the man steps back, I turn around to find Lewis standing there. I ran up to him and hid myself behind him, now frightened by the man. Lewis turned around and took me in a hug before we made our way out of the club, going back to the academy because I was drunk.

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