Traveler's name P2

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Cloud retainer softly put the letter that Xiao had sent her on the reception's desk, she was in her human form to avoid any suspicion while walking through wangshu inn. Cloud retainer had already read xiao's letter over a million times, she doesn't like traveler but she is in gratitude to her. Traveler helped saved Liyue after all.

Cloud retainer walked on the stairs to the balcony, deciding to help Xiao with the surprise, "Xiao." Cloud retainer said calmly as Xiao appeared immediately, Xiao was a bit embarrassed to see cloud retainer currently. He had red lipstick and mascara on his face, "Why are you wearing human decoration or makeup?" Cloud retainer asked in between a slight chuckle, "Hu Tao said it would make me pretty for traveler." Xiao says in his normal unemotional tone but there was a hint of shame in his voice. "It suits you. In all respect Xiao, please take that off..." Cloud retainer asked calmly as Xiao took his hand and rubbed it across his face, instead of getting rid of the makeup, it smeared the lipstick and messed up his eyelashes.

"It is bad?" Xiao asked as he stared at cloud retainer for a response, "Yes." Cloud retainer said in a blunt tone as she takes a wet tissue and wipes off the now smeared lipstick, and fixing the mascara. Cloud retainer sighed as she noticed Xiao still had the lipstick in his hand, and chuckled again. "Can you help me put it on?" Xiao asked in a normal tone, and cloud retainer took the lipstick, "Where did you even get this?" Cloud retainer asked in her unusual playful tone, as she inspected the lipstick. It was in a cylinder shape and was a tomato red, which didn't suit Xiao. "Here, I think I have might have some makeup or more specifically, lipstick, come." Cloud retainer jesters for him to follow her, Xiao didn't really question why cloud retainer had lipstick, even if it was out of character for her. But really, it was out of character for Xiao to be this anxious for a person, or have makeup too, which Hu Tao likely gave to Xiao if you thought about it.

Xiao was about to teleport to the forest or an isolated place, until he saw a girl with golden hair and a fitted but flowing dress reach the entrance of wangshu inn at the bottom. She had beautiful gold eyes that complimented her hair, which Xiao adore. Xiao was heating up, what if Lumine saw him like this? Would she laugh at him? Would she judge him?

Well, lumine judging Xiao was unlikely, it still scared Xiao. He never had the best social skills, and she was one of the people Xiao could be around for a longer period of time. The girl carefully entered wangshu inn with a determined expression as she began to climb the stairs to the balcony.

"Ah, looks like traveler is here." Cloud retainer said calmly as Xiao blushed more from embarrassment. "Sh1t." Xiao mumbled as he teleported away.

ANYWAYS, loves, I'm to sleep deprived to write anymore so, 😍✌️Enjoy this pic of cloud retainer...

ANYWAYS, loves, I'm to sleep deprived to write anymore so, 😍✌️Enjoy this pic of cloud retainer

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She's so pretty, OMFGGG <3

Word count: 549

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