🎤Chapter One⭐

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[Normal Day In The Club]

Monty: WHOO!! (He holds his guitar up triumphantly)

{The Audience of 20-30 Year olds all clap}

Roxanne: (She bends over looking at the audience holding up two fingers and sticking out her tongue)

{The band walks off the stage, listening to the screams and cheers of the half drunk audience}

Freddy: I think we did great guys!

Chica: Are you kidding!? That was amazing!! (She jumps in excitement)

Roxanne: By the way what act is next?

Freddy: The Daycare Attendants should be on next..

Monty: I heard they got a new outfit

Chica: I thought all of us got new outfits?

Roxanne: We did, Monty's just dumb

Monty: Hey!

Roxanne: (she holds up the middle finger)

{The lights turn a soft blue}

Chica: Shhh! They're about to come on! (She peeks at the stage)

{Two aerial silks fall onto the stage being hung from the ceiling and slow music starts playing}

Chica: (she gasps) Pretty!

{Moon slides down on one of the silks}

Roxanne: I knew we got new outfits but why did they get theirs changed so much!? Not fair!

Monty: We were supposed to get more "showing" outfits.. And they were y'know daycare people, they worked with kids all day

Chica: So did we?

Freddy: They didn't really need to change yours and Chica's outfits much

Monty: Yeah, and your naked

Freddy: a-

Monty: I didn't really get changed much either.. I like it that way though

{Moon grabs the other silk and started the dance}

Freddy: Are the two still.. attached?

Roxanne: Well Moon's in light so I guess not..

Chica: Where's Sun then?

Monty: I bet they finally got rid of the brat..

Roxanne: That would explain why Moon looks sad I guess..?

Chica: Suns gone!?

Freddy: Chica shhh!

Freddy: I doubt they would scrap Sun..

Chica: Then I'm going to go look for him! (She runs off backstage)

Roxanne: Chica! (She runs after her)


Chica: Sun? Sunnnn?

{Chica hears sobbing in the distance}

Chica: (she walks toward the sound) Hello?

{She looks behind a large box to find Sun curled up in a ball crying}

Chica: Sun! (She bends down beside sun)

Sun: O- Oh! Hi Chica.. (he wipes his tears)

Chica: I'm so glad you're okay..

Chica: Wait, are you okay..?

Sun: I'm fine..

Chica: Sun don't lie.. You were crying..

Sun: I don't want to go out there Chica..

Chica: On stage? But you said you've always wanted to be on stage!

Sun: I did and I do.. Just not like this.. (he motions too his outfit which is very revealing)

Chica: Oh..

Sun: I don't want to be seen like this..

Chica: Hmm.. (she looks around)

Chica: Here (she grabs a small blanket that was laying on a shelf above them and hands it to Sun)

Sun: Thank you Chica.. (he puts the blanket around himself)

Chica: Do you want to hang out with the group and I?

Sun: Sure..

Chica: Okay (she gets up and holds her hand out to sun)

Sun: (he grabs Chicas hand and stands up)

Chica: Let's go! (She runs back toward the others holding Sun's hand)

Sun: Chica, slow down!

{With the Glamrocks}

Roxanne: (she walks back toward the others)

Monty: Lost her I guess

Roxanne: (she sits down and stares angrily at the ground)

Monty: Guess your not as fast as you used to be speedy (he laughs)

Roxanne: You shut your big choppers up!

{Chica comes running over to them with Sun}

Chica: Hey guys!

Freddy: Chica! You found Sun!

Monty: I was really hoping he was decommissioned.. (he whispers)

Freddy: Monty!

Monty: What!?

Sun: (he starts messing with his fingers)

Roxanne: Why aren't you out there with Moon anyways?

Sun: Moons here!?

Chica: Did you not know?

Sun: No!

Monty: We need better staff..

Freddy: He's out on stage if you want to watch with us (he points toward the side curtain)

Sun: (he goes over to the curtain and peeks through at Moon)

Sun: (he stares at Moon in awe watching his dance carefully)

Roxanne: Why is Sun so interested in Moon?

Monty: They were stuck together and have never seen each other, what do you expect?

Sun: He's..

{Suddenly Moon looks over at Sun}

Sun: (he immediately closes the curtain, blushing)

Chica: Are you okay Sun?

Sun: Yeah! I'm fine.. (he stops blushing and turns to look at the others)

{They hear the audience clapping and cheering}

Freddy: He must be done, hopefully we won't have any "buyers" tonight..

Monty: Stop talking about that.. No one even knows they can do that! It hasn't even happened!

Sun: What are buyers?

Chica: (she sighs) Just.. bad people..

Sun: Oh..

{Moon comes out from behind the curtain}

{Leaving yall on a cliffhanger!! Mwahahahhaahha!!!}

The Plex Club {Sun x Moon x Eclipse}Where stories live. Discover now