💤Chapter Nine🪫

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Sun: I- I'm sorry I..

Moon: It's fine..

Sun: ...

Sun: Can I sleep with you..?

Moon: You don't have to ask to sleep with me Sun..

Sun: Okay.. (he lays down next to Moon)

Moon: (he looks over at Sun)

Moon: (he holds Sun close to himself)

Moon: I know you didn't do what they said you did.. Eclipse had control over you..

Sun: I know this sounds stupid but what if it was him that said all of that..?

Moon: They said that they looked like you though..

Sun: Does he not look like me?

Moon: You watched yourself change into him..

Sun: Oh right..


Sun: Do you know that it wasn't me..?

Moon: Of course! I don't think you would do something like that! (He lifts up Sun's face)

Sun: Thanks..

Sun: I'm glad you believe me.. (he holds Moons hand)

Moon: (he lays Suns head on his chest and closes his eyes)

Sun: Sleepy.. (he closes his eyes)

{They fall asleep}

[The Next Day]

{With the GlamRocks}

Chica: Roxy? Can you come out now?

Roxanne: I'm busy!

Monty: Give it up Chica, she aint coming out of that room

Freddy: (he sighs and puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose)

Roxanne: I'll come out when Sun apologizes!

Chica: Awww!

{With Sun and Moon}

Sun: Mmm.. (he wraps his legs around one of Moons legs)

Moon: (still asleep)

Sun: Moony..? (He opens his eyes and looks up at Moon)

Moon: (he is still asleep)

Sun: Mm.. (he sits on top of Moon)

Sun: Moony..

Moon: ... (he opens his eyes slightly)

Moon: Sun..?

Sun: Hi Moony.. (he smiles a little)

Moon: Hi.. (he looks at Suns legs)

Moon: Why are you on top of me..

Sun: Cause I wanna!

Moon: Mmm.. (he sits up, making Sun slide into his lap)

Sun: Are you still sleepy Moony?

Moon: (He kisses sun on the head) Mhm..

Sun: Okay! (He lays down on top of him)

Moon: sunny.. (he falls back asleep)

Sun: (he giggles and closes his eyes)

{Btw this is all I have written for a while sooooooo ;-;}

The Plex Club {Sun x Moon x Eclipse}Where stories live. Discover now