♥️Chapter Two🌕

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{Moon comes out from behind the curtain}

Chica: Hi Moon!

Sun: (he flinches and hides behind Chica)

Moon: Hello..

Monty: Wow.. Sun the scaredy cat

Freddy: Monty! Stop this!

Monty: (he groans) Fineee..

Moon: So that's Sun behind you..?

Chica: Oh! Sun why are you hiding behind me..

Sun: I- I'm not hiding! Just.. Uhm..

Roxanne: (she laughs) Suns scared of Moon!

Sun: (he gets out from behind Chica) I'm not scared of him!

Moon: ...

Moon: Hi Sun..

Sun: Uhm.. Hi..

{Awkward Silence}

Monty: Y'all have some issues that need sorting

Roxanne: Obviously! This cresent faced maniac caused sun pain!

Moon: (he looks at the ground and holds his hands together)

Sun: It's not his fault..

Roxanne: Sure.. I'm going to my dressing room.. (she gets up and walks away)

Chica: Roxyyy! (She runs after her)

Monty: I'm not staying here with y'all weirdos.. (he walks off)

Freddy: Uhm.. I'll leave you two to talk.. (he walks away as well)


Sun: Moon.. I'm not scared of you, I was just startled.. I'm sorry..

Moon: It's fine.. It's nice to finally see you in person

Sun: You as well (he smiles)

Moon: So.. Did you like my dance?

Sun: (he blushes slightly) Oh! I- I uhm.. thought your dance was amazing!

Moon: Thank you (he smiles)

Moon: Staff said that you were supposed to come out with me but you weren't there..

Sun: (he stops blushing) Oh.. I just didn't really want to be seen in this outfit.. It's a bit more revealing than yours..

Moon: I'm guessing that's why you have a blanket wrapped around you?

Sun: Yeah.. If you want, I could show you, I just don't want a large crowd of people seeing me..

Moon: Okay, if you want to

Sun: (he takes off the blanket)

Sun: You can tell why I didn't want to be seen..

Moon: (he blushes slightly)

Moon: I- I think you look stunning..

Sun: (he blushes as well) Thanks..

Moon: But I can see why you wouldn't want to

Sun: Maybe I could try to make an outfit? (He stops blushing)

Moon: Do you have any idea how? (He stops blushing)

Sun: A little..

Moon: (he sighs) Why did they make us able to feel tired..

Sun: I have no idea

Moon: Where do we sleep anyways..?

Sun: We probably have a dressing room where we sleep near the glamrocks

Moon: Okay then let's go.. (he starts walking away)

Sun: Wait for me moon! (He runs after him)

{Once they find their room}

Moon: So we share a room?

Sun: I guess?

{They walk into the room and the first thing they see is that there is one bed}

Sun: Well that's lovely..

Moon: I don't care, I'm going to sleep.. (he falls down on the bed and goes to sleep)

Sun: (he sighs) I'm tired too..

Sun: Maybe it would be okay if I slept with Moon tonight..?

Sun: (he lays next to Moon and falls asleep)

[The Next Day]

{Sun wakes up with Moon's arms and legs wrapped around himself}

Sun: (he blushes a bright red)

Sun POV: What do I do, what do I do, what do I do!!!

Moon: Mm.. (he holds Sun closer to himself, still asleep)

Sun: (he blushes more)

{Suns internal fans kick in on low}

Moon: hm.. (he opens his eyes)

Moon: Sun..?

Sun: !

Sun: M- Moon! I- I- Uhm..

Moon: (he looks to see his arms and legs around Sun)

Moon: (he blinks)

Moon: Oh!

Moon: (he lets go of Sun)

Moon: I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!

Sun: It's fineeee (he stops blushing as much)

{More Awkward Silence}

Sun: (he starts closing his eyes slightly and is no longer blushing, with his fans off)

Moon: Are you still tired?

Sun: Mhm.. (he closes his eyes and falls asleep)

Moon: (he smiles)

Moon POV: Cute..

Sun: (he grabs moon and lays his head on his chest)

Moon: (he blushes slightly)

Moon: (he puts his hand on suns head gently brushing his rays)

Sun: Mmm.. (he flinches)

Moon: Does that hurt him.. (he takes his hand off of suns head)

Sun: (he buries his head in Moons chest, moving him closer to himself)

Moon: (he smiles again and cups Suns cheek)

Moon: (he kisses suns head)

Moon: (he gasps)

Moon: (whispering) What did I just do..

Moon: No no no no I can't be falling in..

Moon: No.. there's no possible way..

Moon: (he tries to get Sun off of him)

Sun: (he wakes up)

Sun: Moon.. What are you doing..?

Moon: Sorry Sun, I have to go real quick..

{Moon gets out of bed and leaves the room}

Lets go, another cliffhanger >:)

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