💛Chapter Three💙

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{Moon gets out of bed and leaves the room}

Moon: No no no.. I promised myself I wouldn't let this happen..

Moon: Not again..

Freddy: Moon?

Moon: !

Moon: Freddy! Sorry I didn't know you were there..

Freddy: It's fine but are you okay? You seem stressed..

Moon: I'm fine, don't worry about it

Freddy: If you ever need someone to talk to you can come to me, okay?

Moon: Thanks Freddy..

Freddy: No problem, I'll be setting up stuff for tonight

Moon: Kay, see you

Freddy: See you (he walks off)

Moon: (he sighs)

Moon: (he backs up against the wall and slides downward)

Moon: I wish you were here..


^@%%>: Heh heh.. Lookie what I found~ (they hold up a small flash drive)

^@%%>: I wonder who my next victim is~

^@%%>: Hmm.. They seem like a good candidate~

^@%%>: (they walk off)

{Back with Moon}

Moon: Why did you have to leave me..

Moon: (he stares at the ceiling)

Moon: Where did you go..

Moon: (he begins tearing up)

{Sun walks out of their room finding Moon by the door}

Sun: Moon?

Moon: (he gasps and wipes his eyes)

Moon: Oh.. Hi Sun..

Sun: Are you okay..? (He sits beside Moon)

Moon: Yeah.. I'm fine..

Sun: ...

Sun: (he hugs Moon)

Moon: !

Moon: Thanks Sunny..

Moon: (he covers his mouth realizing what he said)

Sun: (he lets go of Moon)

Sun: Did you just call me Sunny?

Moon: (he slightly blushes) N- No!

Sun: Aww Moonyyy!! (He smiles)

Moon: (he blushes more and hides his face with his hat)

Sun: I like it! (He bends his head sideways in front of Moons legs)

Moon: (he moves his hat up to where he can see Sun)

Moon: (he smiles as well)

Moon: (devious smile aka stupid ideas)

Moon: (he lunges at sun, pinning him to the ground) YAAA!!

Sun: (playfully) Ahh!!

Moon: The tickle monster has gotten you!

Sun: Well too bad for you! You don't know my ticklish spot! (He sticks his tongue out)

Moon: Hmm is it maybe.. Everywhere! (He starts tickling suns torso)

Sun: AHHH!! Moony stop it haha!!

Moon: Never!

Sun: (he laughs uncontrollably)

Monty: What the hell..

Roxanne: I agree..

{Moon immediately stops and looks over at Monty and Roxy, embarrassed}

Moon: Uhm..

Monty: If y'all wanna do that, go to your damn room!

Roxanne: My gosh..

Moon: (he gets off of sun)

Moon: Sorry..

Sun: (he sits up, out of breath)

Monty: Guess they didn't get rid of all the Daycare Code (he laughs)

Moon: Ugh.. (he puts his hands over his face)

Sun: We were just having fun, if you even know what that is

Monty: (he scoffs)

Roxanne: Come on Monty.. Freddy said we have to help him.. (she walks off)

Monty: (he follows her)

Moon: Sorry Sun.. (he takes his hands off of his face)

Sun: It's fine, I wasn't lying it was kinda funny (he giggles)

Moon: (he smiles)

Staff: Hey! We need Sun to the front!

Sun: Oh! Coming! (He runs to the front of the building)

Moon: (he sighs)

{Moon walks back into their room and starts looking around}

Moon: This is nice..

Moon: (he sits down on the bed)

Moon: I'll just wait..

[Three hours later]

{I love thisssssssss :>}

The Plex Club {Sun x Moon x Eclipse}Where stories live. Discover now