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Gareth Knight

- Birth Name: Julian

- Alias: Kane

- Meaning of Names: Gareth is a boy's name of Welsh origin encompassing chivalry and modesty. Meaning "gentle", the name finds a fitting namesake in Sir Gareth, one of King Arthur's noble knights of the round table. The common surname Knight is a status name from the Middle English knyghte, meaning "knight". While it may refer to someone who was actually a knight, it was a name often taken by servants in a royal or knightly household, or even to one who won a title in a contest of skill. Julian is a gender-neutral name of Greek origin, meaning "youthful" or "Jove's child". Kane is a boy's name that derives from multiple origins and shares many meanings. In Irish traditions, the name means "little battler". In Hawaiian, Japanese and Welsh origins, Kane defines "man of the Eastern sky", "golden" and "beautiful", respectively.

- Birthday: June 30, 1953

- Status: Alive/Immortal (currently)

- Age: 30 years old (currently)

- Love Interest: Ember (eventually; could very well be a slow burn in the case of Gareth)

- Height: 5'11

- Weight: 170 pounds

- Hair: Ginger Brown

- Eye Color: Blue

- Family: Unnamed mother +, unnamed father +, Rumplestiltskin (father figure), King George (father figure), Prince James (younger brother figure) +

- Affiliations: His family (formerly) +, Rumplestiltskin, King George, Prince James (formerly) +, Enchanted Forest, Storybrooke

- First Appearance: Rapscallion. Chapter 1. "Pilot".

- Last Appearance: Rapscallion. Chapter 31. "Second Star to the Right".

- Color Psychology: Grey

- Top 5 Songs to Describe Character: Super Villain by Stileto, Silent Child, Kendyle Paige. Not Human by Young Medicine. Intro III by NF. House of Wolves by SadSongsOnly. Street Fight by Adam Jensen.


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- Fly Me to the Moon by Olivia O. Can't Pretend by Tom Odell. Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe, FINNEAS. Can't Help Falling In Love by Ice Nine Kills.


- 1953: Kane (currently known as Gareth Knight and previously known to very few as Julian prior to him becoming the deadly and immortal assassin Kane) was born on June 30, 1953 at 10:30 pm on a Tuesday— as of the events of the real world outside of the Enchanted Forest.

- 1965: 12 year old Julian— not yet known as Kane— seeks out Rumplestiltskin because of his wish to avenge his parents' deaths. Julian makes a deal with Rumplestiltskin— a deal that results in him doing as Rumplestiltskin says for as long as he wants, while also making it so that Julian can't be killed unless Rumplestiltskin makes it so he can. And as a result of this deal, Julian will stop aging the moment he turns 30.

- 1967: 14 year old Kane meets 16 year old Maribeth, resulting in him unintentionally saving her from the bandits. Two months later, he meets Maribeth once more and ends ups saving her life once again.

- 1968: 15 year old Kane meets Regina before she becomes the Evil Queen.

- 1969: 16 year old Kane kills everyone in 18 year old Maribeth's village— including her entire family— and then proceeds to take her with him as his hostage for him to torture her however he wants. Kane meets King George and Prince James for the first time. Rumplestiltskin and King George make a deal; thus resulting in Kane starting to (rather reluctantly) work for King George.

- 1970: 17 year old Kane finally kills Maribeth and scatters her body parts all throughout the kingdom. Kane officially starts to work for King George, thus resulting in him slowly but surely growing to become loyal to King George. Kane tells Prince James that he's now supposed to be Prince James's sworn sword from that moment onward.

- 1976: 23 year old Kane decapitates a bandit that had mistakenly threatened him. Kane meets Jiminy Cricket and tries to kill him because Jiminy won't leave him alone.

- 1981: The Evil Queen watches through her mirror as 28 year old Kane brutally slaughters a group of bandits for the sakes of Prince James and King George. By this point in time, it's been twelve years since Kane started to work for them. Prince James is killed by a Behemoth. Kane meets David. Kane doesn't like David from the very first meeting. Kane meets the Huntsman and the Huntsman's wolf, unintentionally saving the Huntsman's life as he does so against a group of bandits. Kane threatens to drag Snow White over to him, kill Snow White in front of David, kill David's mother in front of him and then kill David himself, if he ever hears David talk badly about Prince James ever again. After coming to an agreement with the Evil Queen, Kane takes Snow White to her.

- 1982: 29 year old Kane starts to work for the Evil Queen, just before she starts her plot of enacting the Dark Curse.

- 1983: 30 year old Kane meets Captain Hook before the curse is cast and tries to kill him when he finds out that Hook means to kill Rumplestiltskin and repeatedly threatens Hook's life along the way. Kane is at the home of Snow White and Prince Charming with the Evil Queen and her Black Knights, while the clouds of smoke that is the Dark Curse covers the land of the Enchanted Forest after the Evil Queen had taken it upon herself to cast it. And as a result of this curse, Kane spends the next twenty-eight years of his life living with the name "Gareth Knight", being the apprentice to Mr. Gold (known as Rumplestiltskin in the Enchanted Forest and occasionally working for Regina Mills (otherwise known as the Evil Queen back in the Enchanted Forest). And during this curse, Regina had it where Kane played the role of the ex-boyfriend of Ruby— an ex-boyfriend that went out of his way to practically stalking her throughout Storybrooke and giving her a hard time for her choice of breaking up with him, thus resulting in Ruby having to deal with this form of a torture for all twenty-eight years.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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