Fat chance part 2

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Soon Rudy appears "hey big news everybody"he says stoping them outside the dojo with a smile "the magic shop across the mall went out of business. They have to sell everything at half price. I feel so bad for them I think I'm gonna cry"he says as he frowns with a fake cry as he pulls a handkerchief out of his sleeve before he smiles pulling out a sting of handkerchiefs from his sleeve.

The gang just smiles awkwardly as they just stand there but Jerry soon frowns"yo I don't know how he's doing that but it's freaking me out"he says causing the others to give him a deadpanned look before than follow Rudy inside then dojo.

"Anyway since the store closed a storage space opened up in the basement directly below us now I finally have a place for all my stuff"Rudy says with a smile happy.

"Congratulations Rudy"viper says with crossed arms. Eddie nods his head agreeing "yeah it's about the time this place is getting pretty crowded"he says as the others nodded there heads.

Rudy shakes his head "it is not"he says as Kim looks at him in disbelief "Rudy this place looks like a crazy old lady lives here"she says.

Rudy scoffs"okay that is a bit of exaggeration "he says as viper raised an eyebrow before she and Kim share a look before walking over to a double door locker before they open it as they step back as tons of stuff falls out.

The last thing to come out was a cat with a collar as it looks at them meowing as viper turns to Rudy with crossed arms.

Rudy scoffs shrugging his shoulders "okay that's not my cat"he says walks forward before whispering "are you committed tip tip"as the cat hops into the wagon as viper just shakes her head at Rudy as she and the others share a look.

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