Prologue Part 1: Darkness' arrival

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       There was a creepy story among the Sky kids, about a child who born with darkness energy in him. He had a peaceful life and lived with a man called "Mythus", but soon, the boy faced with a tragic accident of death, Mythus had gone disappeared as well...When the undertakers found his in the Golden Wasteland, they couldn't believe they just saw: his limbs were broken apart from abdomen, cracks can be found around his body and even his skin had melted into the dark water. However, many people were saying that his body had combined together with the dark water, which made him an incredible scary creature, they call him...

" 'The Darkness'!" a little boy shouted in excitement, it seems that he likes horror stories very much. "I heard that he likes finding for new body to parasite on, that's so scary!" another boy giggled while saying that. 

      Actually, what they were saying was true,  Darkness is one of the separated soul from Onxy which holds the power of "manipulation". Legends say that he can even grant wishes, but in return, they must serve Darkness and follow his orders. 

       Meanwhile, somewhere in the Hidden Forest, a  man with a mask that covers his right eye arrives at the hideout of Darkness. He kneels before Darkness on the floor, seems to have some to beg for as he looks extremely nervous. "Please, save my daughter! She had a terrible sickness...!" He looks at Darkness with tears rolling down his eyes.

       "A doctor come to beg for his daughter's health? How interesting. I'm pretty sure that you know what trading means, right?" Darkness with a twisted smile on his face as let out a chilling, evil chuckle.

       "I...I will swear an oath of loyalty to Darkness"
       As soon as the man agreed to serve Darkness as his servant, Darkness let out an evil laugh. "Very well then...From now on, you will do what I say...Lareth"

        Darkness reaches out his transformable liquid hand that is made out of dark water and place it on Lareth's head. A dark mist, like a shadowy shroud, began to swirl and coil around him. It slithered and enveloped with an eerie grace, veiling the person in an ominous cloak of obscurity. As the dark mist were being absorbed into Lareth's body, it means that there is no turning back for him now.

"If you dare to failed me, prepare to face a terrible consequence...with your children's life" 

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