2. A Choice Of Destiny.

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Author: Hey! How are ya?! Doing well? Need a drink? A snack? A hitman for hire??
Also, I hope you like the Easter egg from a set pair!

Tsuki shut his bedroom door and pressed his forehead against it for a moment, trying to gather himself before turning to face the rest of his room, the crystal circlet known as the prince's crown staring back at him as it sat on a soft velvet purple pillow on a vanity table that sat beneath a portrait of him and his mother, a constant reminder of a promise he made himself at her funeral.
"Don't worry," He said quietly looking up at her face in the picture.
"I won't be like father, I promise."

He opened up his wardrobe and grabbed an elegant red silk blouse with a slit in the neck and a pair of black pants and a long black silk jacket
With tails in the back. He got dressed and grabbed his glasses off the dresser where he kept them. He hesitated as he turned back to his crown. His heart felt heavy as he placed it atop his head and stared at his reflection. The light from the sun streaming in from behind his curtains bounced off the white crystals and obsidian he swallowed the lump in his throat before taking one last look at the room around him and heading out the door.
𝓔𝓷𝓭 𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓹

He walked down the hall, lined with candles that it the way to a set of three spiral staircases, one leading down into the king chamber room, a room Tsuki was yet to be allowed into, and one he wasn't sure he ever wanted to enter since it's Nickname was the "war room," the one beside it lead both up and down, going up lead to the servants and knights chambers, going down lead to the dining room, kitchen, event, and ballroom, and Royal theater, where plays would take place and the Royal orchestra would play... Then the third staircase, which led directly down into the throne room. He took a deep breath before slowly stepping down the stairs, anxiety filling his stomach and causing it to twist into a knot. As he rounded the bend he saw a line of roughly fifteen Omegas, all with their hand bound by rope, and all emitting fear pheromones. An image of his mother flashed before his eyes. He stopped and ducked back behind the awning and pressed his back to a wall, trying to suppress the anger he felt, knowing that his father had not only put countless omegas through this but that after this the ones that he didn't choose would be taken to an auction and sold off to God knows who. Granted some good families treated the auction more as an adoption, but he also knew there were some real low-life scum Alphas that were treated as something much more sinister.

"Your Highness?" Kageyama's Voice came from behind him.
"Sorry Tsuki," he corrected remembering the scolding from that morning.
"The Omega transport guards asked me to come find you... They are getting pissy,"

Tsuki rolled his eyes.
"Exacort me," he commanded. Kageyama grimaced at his tone for a brief moment before realizing that it would be a bad look for both of them if they walked down the stairs acting all buddy-buddy since it was almost unheard of for a knight to be friends with a prince or king that they served, at least in their kingdom.

A blast of trumpets sounded as he came into view.
"Presenting Prince Tsukishima Kei of the land of Crows and Salt," a loud bald Herald announced.

"That will do, Tanaka," Tsuki spoke quietly as he walked past, regretting giving the once-hunter the position.

Kageyama broke away and took his place beside Hinata by a back wall as Tsuki took his seat on a smaller throne that sat beside a large jeweled one.
Tsukki one of the leaders that had brought the Omega's began to speak with a bow.
"Good day your Highness," he began.
"I would like to first give my condolences for the loss of your father, he was a great leader," Tsuki felt a spark of rage hearing him say that.
"As you know these Omegas have all been brought from kingdoms afar and from villages here. Now let us begin the choosing trial,"  Tsuki waited for the leader to take his place once more before standing up from his seat and skidding his jacket off, trying to rid himself of the heat his anxiety was making him feel. He stepped down the small steps that led from the throne to the floor and decided to start from. one end and make his way down.

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