3. Heres To A New Home

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🖤🖤Author: hello!! I hope you are doing well!!! I have a question, what do you all think of this story so far? Is it going okay? I haven't written a royal Au Before so I am a bit worried lol.🖤🖤

Yes, Your Highness?" the head of the guards asked as he got closer.
"Please lead them to the kitchen and tell Suga and the others to prepare whatever they request, we should have more than enough to make that possible," Daichi nodded.
"Iwaizumi, you take the rest of this day off and become acquainted with your Omega," the guard nodded before carefully extending his hand to the chestnut-haired omega.
"I'll take you to the kitchen first," he said not expecting the omega to so willingly accept his hand or boldly reply with
"Can I have milk bread?" Tsuki waited until the other Omegas had all been led away to turn his attention back to Yamaguchi, who was still staring down at the floor.
"Hinata, come," within a second the orange overtly excited-haired omega appeared at his side, along with Kageyama.
"Yamaguchi, this is Hinata, he will be tending to you, he will show you to your room, and if there is anything you need, he will get it," he glanced at Kageyama.
"You, follow me," There was anger in his voice and he felt like he was about to explode.
He stopped and turned back to His now Omegaseeing to lost and hurt look still in his eyes.
"I'll come see you soon," he said, trying to soften his tone, to no avail.
༻𝑬𝒏𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒑༺

Hinata smiled Brightly as he looped an arm around Yamaguchi's.
"Don't worry, Prince Tsuki isn't always like that," He said and began to walk, slightly dragging Yamaguchi with him towards the stairs.
"My Room Is connected to yours so feel free to get me any time you need anything. The prince's room is across from yours and Kageyama, the prince's personal guard's room is across from mine, those are the only rooms on the second floor.
Yamaguchi was quiet as they walked and continued to stare down at the floor, taking in the pattern on the red plush carpet.
"Hey, you okay?" Hinata asked as they stood on the first step of the staircase. Yamaguchi shook his head before standing still.
"Well... it just... everything is different than I thought it would be. And though since I was chosen I would have to share a room with the Prince, I'm relieved I don't have to... but... I'm confused,"

Hinata laughed a little and continued up the stairs.
"You won't be sharing a room with him until he marks you, and that won't be until your next heat... but even then your room will still be yours. Like for your things, and a quiet personal place," Hinata watched Yamaguchi go pale.
"What's wrong?"
"I- Hinata... Does Tsuki have to know my heat cycles? Is it important or can he Mark me anytime?" Hianat cocked his head in confusion as he stopped and turned to Yamaguchi.
"My heats they... they are sporadic... they don't have a pattern or a cycle,"
Hinata was silent, he wasn't sure how to answer him, the banquet didn't know much about the rules of such things so decided to share what he did know.
"Well... the Prince can't be crowned King until he marks you... Typically from what I witnessed with his father, he would choose an Omega he would find out their cycle, and plan a ceremony around the time it would be. There would be a huge banquet and the New Royal would become acquainted with customs and the staff.... Then after," Hinata let out a nervous laugh.
"You can probably guess what happened after," Yamaguchi felt his stomach drop as it filled with anxiety.

They reached the top of the stairs and walked down the hallway until they reached the end.
"Here we are," Hinata said as he opened one side of a heavy dark wood double door with leaf carvings going all the way around the trim. Yamaguchi was speechless as he caught the first glimpse of his new room.
"Pretty amazing, right?" Hinata said seeing the stunned look.
"Tsuki spent a lot of time preparing it, and he let me pick out things that would be comforting for an Omega," Yamaguchi listened to him as he stepped inside taking everything from the Lush velvet Violet curtains to the extremely large canopy bed with a canopy that matched the curtains, to the amount of soft and plush pillows, and very soft comforters and blankets. He noticed the dresser matched the closet both painted. Soft with silver trim, offsetting some of the dark Violet tones. He walked over to the window which overlooked the Royal Gardens and courtyard.
"Whoa," He whispered to himself.
"Heh, the view is nice, but the gardens are... nicer. Prince Tsuki likes to go through them a lot... let me show you to tout bath area"
"I have my own bath area?" Hinata nodded with a grin.
"Yup! All the servants and knights have their own within their Quarters... you seemed surprised,"
Yamaguchi nervously scratched his cheek.
"Yeah... I guess I am... my village had a bathhouse that everyone shared. The cottages were too small for individual ones," he said as he followed Hinata to two doors.
"The one on the left is connected to my room, the one on the right leads to the bath," Yamaguchi noticed that, unlike the entrance door, the bath door looked plain, nothing special other than the fact it was the same kind of dark wood. This led him to believe that the room would also be quite boring... but little did he know just how wrong he was. Hinata opened the door revealing that it was one of the most exquisite And detailed baths he had ever seen in his life.  The tub sank into the floor with steps that led down into it and was surrounded by marble tile, the whole room was marble tile. There was a large mirror on one wall with stone counters that were trimmed with silver and a small sofa on the opposite side, likely to sit on while drying damp hair. Hinata let out a small laugh.
"I'll run you a bath. We should start getting g ready for the birthday ball after all,"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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