Chapter 3

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Monday rolled around and to Day the official first day of the academic year (you reads should it's when classes start)Jakku had a his supplies ready we open the fridge grabbed his lunch and left

When Jakku got to class Bakugo was being scold by iida for putting his feet on the desk when I walked in everyone look at me so I decide to make a joke

Jakku: hello my fellow classmates I trust you're all well ,starting today I'll be taking charge  of this class and I'll massacre anyone who defies me

Everyone just look at Jakku while he just went to is seat with a smile his face as aizawa walked in

Aizawa: alright everyone I'm homeroom teach Mr Aizawa and I know you all have impresive powers but I we will have to see who is the strongest in the class so put on these gym clothes and meet me outside

as everyone was standing outside in Union Academy gym Clothes

Aizawa: schools have giving you writen exams your hole lives in this school you get to use quriks in a physical test since Jakku sorce the most points he will go first

Jakku:actaully I think bakugo should go First I would like to go last make sure I see everyone power before see how powerful I have to throw it

Aizawa: best reason I have heard for some wanted to go last,okay bakugo you'll go first

the same think in the anime happen then I was Jakku's turn 

Jakku pull his arm back and throw the ball so fast I chased a shockwave and as Jakku was waiting he turn around as the ball cirale the whole earth and land  right back in to Jack hand 

Jakku:The reason I wanted to go last was because I didn't want toshow everyone up

everyone was stunned be his power

Aizawa:Alright, I'm not going to go over test so here's the placing overall

Everyone was the same and Jakku was first with a score that just said "ė̶͚̺r̵̩͊r̷̻̣͒̀o̸͉̐͋r̴͚̳̚"

Aizawa:Oh and about that expulsion thing, that was a lie,It was all just a logical ploy to have you all do your best(and flashed his famous smile)

Aizawa:Oh and about that expulsion thing, that was a lie,It was all just a logical ploy to have you all do your best(and flashed his famous smile)

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Everyone was dumdfounded

Aizawa: allright next test is fighting as a test of strength

Jakku rasied his hand


Jakku: Just how far can we go in this test of stength

Aziawa: as far as you can go

Jakku Just smiled evily

As class 1-A walked to arena eveyone for the other classes was watching Jakku walked in to the arena look fairly normal while bakugo was in his hero outfit 

Bakugo got in to a fight stance while Jakku just his his hands in his pockets look at Bakugo

Bakugo: get ready to die you weakling

Jakku: how about we go all out, lets kill each other so come with your full power and what's more I won't have to move from this spot

Bakugo rush at Jakku with a close fist glowing Jakku threw a punch

Their fist collide sent a shockwave blow Bakugo back but he landed on his feet Bakugo start use his explosion to fly towards Jakku and Jakku just fired blast at Bakugo and Bakugo wasn't able to dodge and took the blast head on and fell to the ground

Bakugo got back up and wipe the blood form his mouth and said "don't blink at this next attack"

Jakku just blink and Bakugo was flown back and said "what the...what did you do"

Jakku:I know it about time I ended this

Bakugo just look at Jakku with anger and then start to throw a little bit of blood

Bakugo: what the hell

Jakku do you feel that, I'm talking about my heartbeat

Bakugo just look at Jakku with confusion and that more blood started to spill form Bakugo's body as everyone just watch with horror

Bakugo: what the, how did do whatever that was 

Jakku: you should stop talking do you want to die

Bakugo: if you want me to give than make me

Jakku: That an interest idea I just might but I did order you and you disobeyed me

Bakugo: idiot, I will become the number one hero I don't need to listen to you

Jakku: is that so

Jakku snap his figures and Bakugo split apart while being blown back

Jakku: oops...and I held back to at this rate I would have to forfeit...can't have that...ingall

Bakugo came back with all his past memory's in tacked and said "wait did I just..."

Jakku: so now you died once how do you feel, are ready to admit defeat"

Bakugo: guess again

Jakku snaps his figures and used ingall to bring Bakugo back

Jakku: don't worry a long as the source remains you never die in the true sense, you be risk free if I use ingall within three seconds this is the so called three second rule

The whole arena was silent

Jakku: wow what though crowd 2'040 years ago the joke was a big hit*look at Bakugo* you said "you never give up" even if I killed you, you didn't think you die once in your lifetime did you

Bakugo: go to hell villain 

Jakku snaps his figures and used ingall to bring Bakugo back again and he did again and again w while everyone looked on in horror or was scared for their lives while other felt sick all the while Jakku was saying "by the way the is intriguing philosophy that behind the ingall spell is a human being resurrected the same person as before or maybe they have the exacted same personality, memories and body but a completely different being *grab Bakugo by his shirt*, I would love to know you through on the matter...*dropped Bakugo*...not interested alright maybe if I just kill you one more time"

Bakugo Just stood and was so mad he went to attack Jakku and he just slap once with right the once with the left then backhanded him once with the left and once with the right

Bakugo fell to his knees in fear and said tears in his eyes "you...what the hell are you"

Jakku said looking down at Bakugo with a raised fist "the demon king" he grabbed Bakugo by the neck as the fist came down punching bakugo so hard he cased a small crater on the arena as bakugo was knocked out 

as everyone asked who was this guy stella was just shocked and iida was angry at how burtal I was as iida came to confront me and Jakku said "you're in my way I'm trying to leave"

Iida:you need to tell me how could be so burtal to fellow classmate like that

Jakku:hey someone had to do it if you wanna know what I mean talk green hair boy in our class 

Iida:I see so I guess I have to see him to find out way you were so burtal

Jakku:do whatever you want I'm going home they enrty exam is over 

The Demon king Demi God Of Union AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now