Chapter 29

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Aizawa: now you we gonna do team buliding exercise

Everyone: yeah 

Aizawa: but Natsu,ruby,mina kamanri,kirishima,sero and sato will be do extra classes with koro sensei because they a falling behind in class

Mina: you got be kidding me

Jakku: have fun guys

Aizawa: now for the rest of you since this is team buliding I'm choose ing the teams, Jakku your with bakugo

Jakku and Bakugo: I'm with him

Aizawa: yes

(I will won't because it adds nothing to the story)

Jakku and bakugo were walking in the frost

Jakku:I can't belivie I got stuck with you

Bakugo: well feelings mutual

Jakku: Don't pull that talk with me you have no idea how much I hate you

Bakugo: same her 

Jakku: so...tell me...hit me with every mean comment you have

Bakugo: you are weak and lazy, you talk a big game when you don't use that much power which I know is a lie,you used 5% on me that a laugh,you just a big of nerd as deku,stella is out of your league she need some how can protect not a losey demon king like you

Jakku: you done

Bakugo: yeah

Jakku: thats it...thats all you had...there no where as close to me

Bakugo: so tell me then, how much do you hate me  

Jakku:are you sure you can handle it

Bakugo: just tell me

Jakku:Ok, I'll tell ya...You are the worst person I know, you constantly beat up on your best friend the man being your rival and rescued you from certain death and this is how you repay him? And to add insult to injury you call him deku on a regular basic, and your such a sponge. You pay for nothing and you always say "ugh, catch ya later." but later never comes! And what really bothers me is that you pretend you're this deep guy who loves women for their souls, but all you do is date bimbos. Yeah, I date women for their bodies, but at least I'm honest about it. I don't buy them a copy of allmight autobiography and then tell them that some him some great hero blessed a strong quirk, he wasn't! He was a Quirkless loser, and that's why you hate deku so much, their the same. God you're pretentious, and you delude yourself by thinking you're some great Hero even though your terrible. You know, I already knew Stella didn't write you that note, she would've known that she is not a normal person. And I think what I hate most about you? Your Textbook Liberal Agenda, how you "aced the mock test!...I'm the only one at this school who could possibly get into U.A.I'll definitely surpass All Might and become the top hero!", well have done none of that, I worked down at the soup kitchen, kacchan. Never seen you down there! You wanna to help? Grab a ladle! And by the way, having a strong Quirk doesn't mean you a God, oh, wait! You don't believe in God or any religion for that matter, because "religion is for idiots". Well who the hell are you to talk down to anyone, you failed being a hero twice, but isn't as nearly as bad as your failure as a friend, how's deku that beat with Quirk illegal on regular? But you know what? I could forgive all of that, all of it, if you weren't such a bore! That's the worst of it Kacchan, your just a big, sad, Explosive bore. *sigh* you don't have any friends nor deserve anything, that the sad true Kacchan

Bakugo stands there speechless, his face showing a mix of anger, hurt, and disbelief. A beat passes before he finally speaks

Bakugo: What the hell...

Jakku: you heard me

Then blue fire get shot at them

Jakku: blue fire

Dabi: what the *looks over a dabi* looks like a villian

Jakku: looks that way...truce

Bakugo; don't tell me what to do but yeah, truce

A big fight breaks out deku and natsu save kota from muscular,tusyu and ochako face off against toga and eventually mr compress get away with LOV and the demon king tired up while the rest of the class try to save him 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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