Chapter 8

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after lunch

Aizawa: alright we were going to do this two days later but we a class rep now because of details the sports festival will be eraly than normal

Bakugo said: everyone choose for me if you knows good for ya

Iida:no it should me,if choose for me I'll be the class rep for this class

Aizawa: normal we do a vote so I'll rest of the lesson to choose one

Jakku: we should do a vote that everyone has a fair chance

Tusyu: but no one knows each other so we just end voting for ourseleves

Jakku: that is a fair point

Meanwhile with Natsu,deku,ruby and stella 

Natsu: let me guess you guys vote for Jakku 

Ruby: yep

Deku: that correct

Stella: I can't see anyone else as class rep

Natsu: I voting for him cause he's the strongest and we need that in a class rep

after everyone voted

Jakku: wait I got four votes how

Deku: not only that how did I get three votes

Bakugo: okay you idots who voted for him 

Sero: what did you think anyone was going to vote for you

Iida was shaking with disappointment for not being voted while uraraka while thinking "maybe I just I'll Just keep me vote to myself"

Aizawa walk back in and said "I see you have all choosen a class rep now go home schools over"

Everyone left class Jakku stop deku just before leaving to talk

Jakku: looks like were partners in leading the class

Deku: looks that but I will follow behind and sever demon king

Deku started bowing

Jakku: Deku no need to bow,your in my team,the green rabbit of union academy don't forget that just cause we working together as class reps

Deku: thanks for make feel I little less nervous about be class rep

Jakku: anytime so I'll tomorrow vice president of class

Jakku give a deku a two finger salute

Deku: same to class rep

Deku gave the same salute to Jakku as the when there separate ways home

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