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chapter 01 — panda express & backstories

KAMRI SAT IN THE LIVING ROOM, a mug next to her as she had her nose in a book, specifically the american roommate experiment

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KAMRI SAT IN THE LIVING ROOM, a mug next to her as she had her nose in a book, specifically the american roommate experiment. (nayah: i just finished reading this and DAMN it was good)

"what's up roomie." a voice said from behind her, and kamri didn't budge.


the person walked forward, leaning over kamri's shoulder while looking at the book.

suddenly kamri turned around, jumping back as she saw xolo extremely close to her.

"hey, shit im sorry. you just didn't hear me." xolo sighed.

"well, i'm reading. i zone out and get really into the book after reading for some time." kamri said.

"oh..that's cool. but uh, jacob and i are gonna order panda express i just wanted to know your order."

"hey i love panda express!" kamri said smiling. "yeah jacob said that, he said he wanted to cheer you up a little."

"i love him, well uh my order is the plate with fried rice, chili crisp shrimp, and kung pao chicken. and then raspberry iced tea." kamri said.

"raspberry....iced...tea." xolo said to himself as he typed it on his phone.

"okay i got it all." he said. "thanks...uh xolo right?" kamri said.

"yeah, x o l o." xolo said. "that's really unique, i love that name." kamri said.

"i love yours too, it's like a twist on kameron but even better." xolo said.

"and now i don't feel like the only person with a unique name in the house." xolo chuckled.

kamri chuckled, "jacob has such a boring name." she said.

"yeah." xolo said, and then the room went into a slightly awkward silence.

"uh i'm gonna-" xolo said pointing to the stairs. "yeah i'm gonna-" kamri said as she pointed to her book.

they both turned around, xolo going upstairs and kamri going back to reading.

xolo went upstairs to jacob's room, and he was in his mirror in just his underwear as he fixed his hair.

"i got kamri's order." xolo said walking to jacob. "great."

"i don't understand why you couldn't just have gotten it."

"well one - i'm in my underwear, and two i want you guys to get closer. it was sudden for both you and it's kinda awkward. she didn't know i had a roommate and you didn't know she was coming."

"well that's your fault."

"i know, so i'm trying to fix it. gosh xolo, do you want to kick her out or something?" jacob said.

"i never said that." xolo responded. "i know, i was gaslighting you."

xolo sat down on jacob's bed, "you know i just think she doesn't like me."

jacob laughed, turning to face his friend. "you know she said the exact same thing about you?"

"she did? of course i like her, she's kind and quiet i really don't mind her."

"i think you guys are just both self conscious. and about her being quiet, yeah just wait until december:" jacob said putting on a pair of jeans.

"what's the deal with december?"

"one, that stupid conan gray song that makes no sense. two, christmas. kamri is super passionate about christmas."

"the whole week after thanksgiving starting the day after youll see her coming home with bags of decorations, and especially packages piled up at the door our house."

xolo gasped, "worst than us combined?" jacob nodded. "what the hell! how does she even have that much money."

"well, she's still getting money the more people stream her album she released last year." jacob said.

"oh right. songwriter." xolo whispered. "why hasn't she been able to make an album since then? she couldn't gotten more money to get an apartment."

"she has no...motive right now. her last album was about grief, every song to someone or something she's lost."

"she's written an ep about our friendship but that's one single song."

"gosh..i feel bad for her. she's been going through a lot huh?" xolo said.

"yeah. and i knew that, so when she asked to stay here because her mom kicked her out i rushed to say yes." jacob said.

"that makes sense.."

"jacob! when are you guys getting the panda express i'm hungry!" kamri's voice was heard from the living room.

"uh oh, the ogre's hungry. we should go before she gets hangry." jacob said grabbing his keys any walking out his room with xolo.

"yes queen kam we're getting it right now." jacob said. "i'm sorry man, you guys have absolutely nothing in this house to cook, just...chocolate milk."

"we're big takeout guys." xolo shrugged. kamri sighed loudly, "you mind if i go groceryshopping tomorrow?"

the boys looked at each other and then shrugged, "you do you boo." jacob said.

"that was really sassy." kamri said. "the s in my middle names stands for sassy kam." jacob said, him and xolo leaving.

𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓 ,, xolo maridueñaWhere stories live. Discover now