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chapter 03 — cry

˚⋆❀ SCIENTISTchapter 03 — cry

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"HEY, YOU'RE GONNA CHOKE." jacob said to kamri as she spooned her panda express in her mouth.

"mhhmhmh." kamri said, trying to talk but her mouth was full.

"kamri i think you should slow down a bit.." xolo also said.

kamri ignored them both, taking a large sip of her sprite and everything going down fast.

"damn, how do you not pull if you don't have a gag reflex gosh." jacob said, laughing.

"dude! we're eating?" xolo said. "for one, i don't pull because i'm ugly, two, i'll kill you jacob."

"you're not ugly. you're actually really pretty." xolo said while eating his own food.

it went silent, jacob and kamri both looking at xolo.

"what?" xolo looked up from his bowl. "you don't have to lie." jacob said.

kamri kicked jacob from under the table, then turned to xolo. "thank you, i really appreciate it." she smiled.

jacob then groaned loudly, "can you guys stop flirting?"

"jacob scott thomas bertrand i swear on your next magic game of one more stupid phrase exits the hole in your face, i'll cut your hair off in your sleep."

"ooooohh, she got you." xolo said, joking. "xolo, stop instigating."

"yes ma'am."


xolo knocked on kamri's door, praying she had what he needed.

"come in." she said, pretty quietly. xolo opened the door, walking into the room before closing it.

"do you have shaving cream? i just ran out." xolo asked.

"yeah. it's under my bed. i'll get it." she said. "no it's okay, you look comfy i'll get it."

xolo walked to the bed, poking at kamri who was wrapped up like a burrito as she walked to all the boys i've loved before on her tv.

he began to crouch down, catching kamri's expression.



"are you crying?"

kamri looked at xolo, and as their eyes met he got his answer. she was in fact crying.

xolo quickly moved his position, crouching so he met her gaze.

"what's going on? are you okay?"

kamri nodded, "over a movie. it's..making my sad even though its happy."

xolo turned to the tv, seeing a glimpse of the cute romance that was going on.

"how can peter kavinsky be hot, tall, and talented but also be a sweetheart and treat lara jean right. he would do anything for her, he has done everything for her." kamri said.

"i just want that, i want a guy like that." kamri sniffled.

"you will, i promise kam you will. you're a great person." xolo said and kamri just shook her head.

"one day, you'll come home with the best guy ever: and jacob's gonna fight him but it's okay, you and him will get through it. live happily every after." xolo said.

"i know it."

xolo reached up, wiping kamri's fallen tears. "so stop crying. it's making me sad too. you're always happy and you crying is breaking my heart."

"i'm sorry xolo. you shouldn't have to deal with this." kamri apologized.

"dont apologize, you're my roommate now. i'm going to care about you. and hopefully as the days go on we can get even closer."

kamri nodded, smiling at the boy. "but...i kinda still need that shaving cream-"

"go ahead xolo." kamri laughed.

" kamri laughed

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nayah speaks !

fillers are so aesthetic

𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓 ,, xolo maridueñaWhere stories live. Discover now