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chapter 08 — the pod

KAMRI WAS IN HER ROOM, FACING her macbook as a blank pages document was open

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KAMRI WAS IN HER ROOM, FACING her macbook as a blank pages document was open.

"come on kam. get an idea, you're an songwriter." she said hitting her head.

it had been 2 years since kamri released her album, and not her producers suggest she wrote a 5-8 song ep.

2 years ago kamri spat out songs like it was nothing, maybe that was because she had gone through her first heartbreak and that feelings plus all the other ones spilled out.

but now there was nothing, not a single idea, a single rhyme, a single lyric coming to mind.

"i need to leave my room."

kamri was dressed up, and look like she was going out. why? she felt like it. she had a nice outfit on, her curls were defined, she had earrings, and her makeup looked great.

she groaned loudly leaving her room pissed off. "i think..that was our roommate kamri." xolo's voice was heard.

jacobs loud laugh was heard, and kamri couldn't fathom who they were talking to.

so she continued to walk down the steps, following their voices.

the saw a bunch of stuff set up, and two people sitting at a table nearby with panels in front of them.

"oh, speaking of!" jacob said, and looked to kamri. "kam come on the pod."

"the pod?"

kamri walked or jacob slowly, and then waved into the camera.

"guys this is our roommate kamri, she's been living with us for 2 months now. and somehow is always asleep when we record these." jacob said.

"you guys should have her as a guest for today." the girl on the side said.

"oh shit we should, kam do you want to be a guest?" jacob said.

she shrugged, "i guess." "okay guys, one moment while we get the guest area fixed up."

the cameras cut and jacob and xolo both got up and got a chair and but it to the left.

one of the staff went over and started to set up a mic and then kam turned to the boys.

"no heads up that you're filming a podcast in our house?" kam said.

"you're usually asleep." jacob shrugged. "man what if i was naked!"

the boys went quiet, "so you walk around the house naked when we're not around?" xolo said, his arms crossed.

"that wasn't the point."

"okay, it's all set." the guy said. there were a good amount of people, and it was kind of scaring kam.

"oh right. kam this is monica, and she's our producer. and that is jordan, jmkm. he's our other producer."

𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓 ,, xolo maridueñaWhere stories live. Discover now