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When I get home, I change into my pjs and a hoodie. My dad is still out at work (he's a nurse) so I decide to have leftovers for tea. I do some homework and then turn on Netflix after heating up my mac and cheese. After a while, I make a cup of tea and head up to my room. I look at my phone for a bit and eventually my phone buzzes. The first message is from my dad telling my I need to lock up because he's working the night shift. The second is from Ben asking if I want to call. I go downstairs and lock the door before calling Ben and snuggling under the covers. We talk until I fall asleep with a smile on my face. 

I wake up to my alarm at 7.00. I sit up very slowly and turn it off. I sleepily trudge towards the bathroom and turn on the light. I wash my face and then brush my hair and teeth. I braid my hair into a half up-half downand secure it with hair pins. I pull on m y uniform and then black tights and a black hoodie. I clasp on my necklace and then tug on my docs. My favourite necklace is the one mum gave me before she died and it's a little heart with 'N+C' engraved into it.
(A/N: see above for outfit) I make myself some toast and quickly eat it. I grab my tote bag and lock up. As the bus pulls up to the stop, I take my headphones off and hang them round my neck. As i hop off, I hear a voice calling my name. It's Ben! I give him a quick peck on the cheek and slip my hand into his warm one. "Good morning, how did you sleep?" I ask as we walk to Truham.  "Alright, princess." he replies and kisses my forehead. We walk towards where the rugby lads and Immy are sitting and join them. Ben glances around and as I go to sit downpulls me against him. I squeak in surprise. "You okay?" he asks and I nod in reply. I adjust myself so rather than sitting on top of me I am leaning on him from between his legs. "Noeeelle? Can you pleeease braid my hair?" Immy asks. I sigh and agree. I get up and braid Immy's hair into a circlet/crown. She hugs me in thanks and we walk towards Higgs.

After school, Immy and I decide to go to the park. We walk there and head to the cafe. We each buy a hot drink to warm us up (it is January after all) and walk around. As we head to the woodier part of the forest I slip my freezing hand into her warm palm. We sit in silence for a while on a fallen log. It's not awkward silence but comfortable silence. After a while, my dad texts me to come home so I walk to the nearest bus stop and get on the first one that comes. When I get in, Dad is there and humming as he cooks us dinner. I give him a hug and head up to my room. I call Immy but she doesn't answer. I decide I need a new Insta profile so I fix my hair and pose. When my Dad calls me for tea, I rush downstairs to the smell of spaghetti and garlic bread. The food is delicious and I eat quickly. Then we sit on the couch with a cup of tea to watch a film. We decide on E.T which is a classic. 

Heartstopper Noelle JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now