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We go inside and up to her room. I am practically crying at the sight of everything laid out on her bed. Everything and anything you could and would ever need for a sleepover. "Firstly, makeovers!" she says, grabbing a massive makeup pouch. We cover ourselves with everything from neon eyeliner to sparkly eyebrow gel. By the end of it I am laughing so hard I am in danger of wetting myself. Next we raid Imogen's wardrobe and put together crazy outfits. We put on a fashion show for her dog and end of collapsed on the floor giggling. We take photos and then it's spa and relaxation time. We each shower and put on matching pjs and slippers. We do foot scrubs in a washing up basin and then put on face mask and paint our nails. For dinner, we heat up pizzas and eat ice-cream out of the carton. Then we start out movie marathon. We laugh, cry (thats mainly just me) and most importantly, we eat lots of snacks. Somewhere around the Hunger Games 2, I fall asleep. 

I wake up in Immy's bed with her arm draped over my waist and her warm breath tickling my neck. I blush but relax into her warmth. When she wakes up, she blushes worse than I did when she realises. She looks so cute- no,  shut up brain. I blush again and get out of bed. I look out of the window and the street is white! It must've snowed last night. Imogen comes over and gasps. We pull on our clothes and and I borrow a hat and some gloves. We rush out into the white world and spend the rest of the morning playing in the snow with Imogen's dog. When we come back in, we make hot chocolate and waffles with whipped cream. I'm staying at Immy's until Monday so we both put our pjs back on with some hoodies and snuggle on the couch with some blankets while we binge-watch our favourite show. We have soup for dinner and stay up playing cheesy board games in her room. I see her parents a couple of times but mostly they work. 

We wake up around 11 on sunday and take the dog out for a quick walk. We head out again and stop for a coffee and pastry before we start dress shopping. I choose a thigh-length, sparkly black dress with vest straps and Immy chooses a flowery, purple dress with ruffles. Then we meet up with Nick and Charlie. We decided to meet up at the cinema so that where we head. When we arrive, the boys are already there so we exchange hugs. We all grab some snacks and head into the screen. The film is a horror film. I don't find it that scary but at lots of points I find myself holding Imogen's hand because she gets scared quite easily. This gives me butterflies for some reason but I ignore it and enjoy the film. Afterwards, we all talk for a bit and then Immy and I walk back to her's. We put our pajamas on and fall asleep.

When we wake up on Monday, we quickly put on our uniforms and the curl and scoop our hair into matching ponytails. We put on matching black hoodies ands I ditch my ususal tights and put on my shoes and necklace. We head towards school via. the smoothie shack where we grab breakfast. When we arrive at Truham, Ben is sat on the bench so Immy, Nick and I flop onto the grass. While we are talking, Ben approaches us and my friends quickly stand in front of me. "What do you want?" I ask.  "I just wanted to-" he starts. "I think you've said enough!" says Immy and he walks away slowly. I high five Immy and thank both of my friends.

Heartstopper Noelle JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now