Zoro is my husband?!

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"Marriage, huh..."

Zoro repeated the word a few times, staring at the knot she had clumsily tied. This kind of knot is bound to fall so easily, he thought. Not wanting to make any adjustments to it, he pondered about the meaning of marriage. Sure, we had a plan to make us known as a couple, but what do married people actually do?

Have children? The thought made the swordsman blush instantly. He was one to recognize the value of a male and a female, and appreciated the beauty of both; but never once did he really desire to be paired with one. He only had one goal in mind, and nothing came in between him and that destination apart from keeping his crew mates safe, which eventually would lead him to his goal since he would be provided with opportunities to protect and attack.

Lying down with his arms supporting the weight of his head, he looked up at the ever familiar night sky. Under this same sky did we go through our life together, he reminisced. From being a child prodigy to a prisoner, to a wedded man now. I wonder if I have to do anything differently now that I am a husband to someone, he thought.

"Well... In the first place I don't look at other girls so that's not an issue."

He muttered to himself, still unsure about what kind of changes the title will bring along.

I just have one person I need to publicly protect I guess. He concluded at that, picturing Sanji's pursuit of girls. Should I be declaring my "love" to her like that stupid cook? He chucked to himself, when he noticed Luffy coming out of the kitchen.



Zoro replied with a short acknowledgement of his presence, as Luffy laid down beside him and glanced in his direction.

"Zoro. That girl.... She's really the first girl I ever thought I wanted to keep beside me. But not in the way I felt towards Nami or Robin. Just... I just want to see her beside me."

"Is it?"

This was all too new to Zoro. Seeing Luffy be this particular about a girl has never ever happened, and he has never thought it would even be possible. This pirate only knew how to be a pirate, Zoro has always thought, as he adjusted his legs a little.

"Yeah. You should have seen Usopp and Sanji. They were going crazy. Imagine Sanji seeing Nami in her bathing suit, yeah. Something like that."


Why don't I feel anything towards her then, Zoro pondered. Am I so special? No. I'm just a human, nothing less nothing more. Sure I have abnormal strength but...




"If you're curious about her, she has been hiding in the corner of the ladies' room since you married her."

Luffy flashed Zoro a rather unserious grin for the occasion, him feeling excited at the thought of a new crew mate. Luffy actually did not know why he felt so compelled to make her his crew. When Robin wanted to get a hold of her, he just knew he had to refuse. He had no name or word for this emotion he was feeling, but he was aware it was an emotion he did not want to explore further. He just knew that it could cause problems within the crew, which was the last thing he'd want. That woman is really something else, Luffy thought. I wonder if she can fight with her pretty face, flowy hair and delicate hands. Catching himself going on about her, Luffy lost his grin, as his eyes turned to give Zoro's "wedding ring" a look. I do not like that at all, he thought.

Zoro however, closed his eyes and blocked out the thought of her from his head.

"Luffy, Marimo. Wake up!"

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