Zoro is my personal trainer!

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"First, to assess you."

Zoro took a good look at the figure in front of him. It was their first training day, and she was standing tall, trying to appear ready. Observing her figure, he concentrated hard, noticing her muscles more prominent around her thighs.

"You can run, from what I've seen."

"Yeah. I'm good at moving quietly, too."

"Great. We're going to take advantage of that."

Running towards her, he waited to see her reaction. She predicted his movements quite accurately, dodging it in the nick of time.

"I've been targeted numerous times. I think I know what they'll do."

"Remember, your opponents are not always human."

"Actually, you know what? I've realised one thing. My curse works most effectively on pure humans who have eaten no devil fruit before. Although, it still works if they are primarily an average human being."

"That way, you'll even help us out, figuring out who we are against."

Nice. Hearing that she was of some use to the crew, she took another stance, dodging Zoro's attacks that he had slowed down tremendously for her. At least she has the fighting spirit in her now, he thought, comparing her to the first time she was so easily dragged away. Seeing his speedy movements despite his bulky figure, she grew a sense of respect for him, wondering how much he had trained to reach that stage.

"Fighting is a state of mind. Remember, you are as strong as I am."

After saying that as a warning, Zoro quickened his arm, trying to land a punch on her abdomen. Out of pure instinct, she dodged that too, gasping for air at the change in pace.

"Told you."

Zoro smirked, not letting her rest. This time, she tried to blow a punch, which he could grab with his eyes closed, standing on one foot. With her hand trapped in his, she lost her balance, falling onto the ground. Zoro did not stop her fall, as he instructed her to get up again.

"Keep getting up."

His goal was to instill the spirit in her. Knocking her down many times, he watched her get up quicker and quicker despite losing more energy. That's it. She's going the direction I want her to go. Keeping his smile to himself, Zoro grabbed onto her waist as if she were some doll and lifted her up.


"Come on, all I am doing is grabbing. I'm not exerting any force."

"Did you forget you're like, the strongest human ever?!"

Hearing her scream was his joy. She's finally learning to stand up for herself, he thought, feeling glad she did not give up on her goals even if it was just day one of training. I mean, she dared to ask me for training even though she's seen my strength, he thought. Looking for a footing, she found his wide set abdomen to be the perfect landing spot, as she raised her feet to push off from his body. He didn't flinch even a single bit, seeing her run away from his grip. She's really good at running off huh, he thought to himself.

"By the way, Zoro, what did you mean by you are as weak as I am?"

"Well... That means, if you lose your will to fight or live, so will I."


"If the person I vowed to protect doesn't want to even try, then why should I?"

Understanding his heart behind his words, she nodded her head, getting into a fighting stance again. Zoro smirked, feeling a little bored but motivated at the same time. Luffy doesn't want me to kill anyone unless instructed anyway, so it'd be good for me to train knocking down an opponent without critically injuring them, too. Setting that as his goal, Zoro's eyes glistened at the thought of achievement.

Desire [Zoro x Reader] One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now