2. First Jumper

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I took a breath and jumped out with Lucas who followed after me. I let out an "oof" as I hit the peeble covered roof.

"They're seriously trying to kill us" Said Luke.

"Definitely" I replied.

We both looked at each other and let out a laugh, he stood up and offered his hand I took it and stood up too.

We went closer to the group of people forming and we see a dark skinned guy.

"All right, listen up! I'm Max. One of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is your way in. And if you don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless. "

Some dauntless-born snickers while the transfers were dead quiet.

"Someone's gotta go first, who's it gonna be?"

I looked around and figured no one's gonna volunteer I might as well do it.

"Me" Me and 2 other guy simultaneously said.

I raised my eyebrows then looked around spotting 2 brown haired guys one wearing a blue suit and another wearing a grey coat both going up front.

"You sure?" Lucas says holding my shoulder I smiled at him and nodded.

As I walked over in front I put my hair up to a ponytail and took my grey coat off.

"Ladies first" the guy wearing a blue suit tells me with a smirk and the guy wearing gray clothes nodded at me to go first.

I ignored the howls of the stupid boys at the back and continued to get up the ledge.

I took a breath before I jumped down and released the air into a sigh while relaxing my body in mid air. Because I seriously thought I was gonna die.

Mom, Dad I'm coming

Unfortunately, that was not the end for me. A net was at the bottom waiting for me, I took another breath and released it right after letting out a breathy laugh. But my moment had to be cut since someone pulled the net down.

"Did you get pushed or something?" I gave him a glare for ruining my moment.

"No" Is all I said.

"What's your name?" The guy said

"(Y/n)" I said fixing my dress.

"First jumper (Y/n)!"


"Dauntless-born initiates, Vivia is waiting for you in the pit. Now initiates, I am Paul, your instructor for the next few weeks."

I looked around and counted 10 transfers including me. Me and the guy earlier who's also from abnegation, stood out since we're the only two that came the faction. The rest are from erudite and candor.

The rest started walking so I just followed them still a little deep in my thoughts.

"Now, this is the pit" he then pointed at a pitch black right side of the pit. "That will be the chasm"

Leading us to the chasm where there is a large room with several beds and no privacy.

And also a bathroom with guess what no privacy.

We were told to change our clothes, I tried to dress quickly as possible while facing the wall. We went out of the chasm and threw our old faction's clothes in a big metal box with fire inside.

The intitiates are then led to the dining hall across the pit. The dining hall is full of people, and clattering silverware. The dauntless noticed the initiates and made loud noises, welcoming the initiates.

The initiates sit around one of the empty table, the tables are laden with hamburgers.

I looked at the food confused I looked at the abnegation boy to see if he knows what it is.

Our eyes met and he just shrugged his shoulders at me and ate the food.

"It's hamburger." I looked at the deep voice that said that.

Seeing the same erudite boy from earlier. I raised my eyebrow silently asking "what's a hamburger?".

"It's meat." He slightly furrowed his eyebrows showing he's a little annoyed.

"Sorry. I've never had or heard of it" I replied honestly.

"Try it (Y/n), it's good" Lucas or now Luke tells me.

I picked up my fork, stabbed the meat and tried it. I slightly rolled my eyes and let out a noise indicating I loved the food.

"Damn" I quietly said.

I looked at the erudite boy to see him staring at me already, he quickly looked away but he already got caught. He let out a fake cough making me smirk.

"(Y/n)" I tell him he doesn't look my way and just grabbed his hamburger.

"Eric" Was the only thing he said before he started eating.

I looked at the abnegation boy tilting my head and eating the last piece of my hamburger.

"What about you?"

He looked at me with a confused expression.

"What's your name?" I asked

I mirrored his expression before asking;

"Is that a hard one?" He looked down probably thinking of a new name.


"Nice to meet you Four" I gave him a genuine smile and his eyes very slightly widened before he blinked and just nodded.


Hope you enjoyed! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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