Chapter 28

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August makes a face of disgust. A girl dressed in the brightest shade of yellow had bumped into him. He'd think she was the sun if he didn't know better. Damon is pulling him towards Alaric, he wants to talk to him. August is feeling uneasy. Something inside him, is warning him of something but he can't figure it out. Milo appears to be obsessed with Alaric, considering he is currently standing beside the history teacher. August blinks and Milo disappears.

"Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted." Alaric points out, letting out a breath.

"I'm not impressed." Damon comments.

"No?" Alaric turns to look at Damon, a bit disappointed. That was odd. August tilts his head at Alaric, trying to enter his mind. 

"Let me know if you see anything out of whack." August winces in pain, and holds his head. A mental barrier, he couldn't break through. That's a first. Damon turns to August.

"You okay, Bumblebee?" August nods. Damon grips his hand and they walk away. August could swear he saw a glare on Alaric's face. They walk pass Bonnie and Jeremy, the two slow dancing. Damon raises August's hand. "Come now Bumblebee it's a dance and we haven't danced once." He spins August before pulling him closer, his arm against August's back.

"Guess you learned a few things back then." August deduces.

"I've got moves you've never seen." He wiggles his eyebrows at him, making August chuckle. "Did the deadly bee did chuckle?"

"Shut up." Damon smiles and spins away from August. He ends up spinning into Elena. The two start dancing.

"You and Damon have gotten closer." She comments. August smiles sarcasticly.

"Why Elena, cupid's been busy trying his best to make me fall in love. Let's see if he's successfull this time."

August somehow finds himself in the bathroom. His vision gets blurry and he rubs his eyes. He turns on the faucet and places his hand under it. He gathers some water in his hands and washes his face with it. He stands up straight and looks into the mirror. Milo stares back at him.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Milo puts at the other mirror. The reflection distorts and reveals Alaric.

"He's been compelled." Elena guesses, looking at Alaric.

"Nope, try again."

"What's going on?" Bonnie questions, putting herself between Alaric and Elena. Alaric rolls his eyes. August leans on the counter and stares into the mirror.

"Okay, I'll give you a hint." He starts walking closer to the girls. "I am not Alaric."

"It's obvious Elena. Klaus is possessing Alaric's body." August tells the mirror. He had figured it out a few minutes ago. Elena also seems to figure it out as her expression shifts from confusion to suprise.


"Suprise." A smile spreads across his face.

"Oh no." Elena shakes her head "No, it's not possible." She looks him over.

"Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hitlist tonight." He moves his focus from Elena to Bonnie. "But you are." He is about to move towards Bonnie, but she throws her hand out and sends him hurling into the lockers behind him. He groans and August hums, impressed. He chuckles and gets up. "Now, did I mention that I know a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that. 

"Please do not disappoint me Bonnie." August comments still watching the scene. Alaric/Klaus starts to run towards Bonnie, but she throws her hand forward and he is sent flying into a display case, shattering the glass. He falls to the ground but laughs.

"By all means, fire away!" He gets up, breathing heavily. "If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy."

"Go. Run. Run!" Bonnie tells Elena, gripping her arm they both take off, running away from Klaus. August runs out of the bathroom and meets bodies laying on the ground. Their alive but unconscious. He had heard commotion, but didn't leave the bathroom.

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