Chapter 2

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Petunia paled as she saw the letter in my hand.

"I want you out of my house," Petunia said.

"I will not be leaving without him, we either do this quietly or I call the CPS, and you will not be able to change anything to make it like he has anger issues," I said glaring at her, and she flinched, before glaring at me.

"Take the boy out of the cupboard or I will do it myself Petunia Dursley, I will make your life a living hell, after all my mother knows how to deal with abusive people," I smiled, "after all no one has found my abusive step father."

Petunia paled standing up, walking to the cupboard she unlocked it, and a small boy crawled out, way too small for his age.

Hadrian walked in quietly, behind Petunia, I stood up to kneel in front of him.

"Hello Hadrian," I heard Petunia gasp as I said his name, "I'm Percy and I am here on behalf of a school that your parents paid for in advance to go to." I said handing him the letter, he looked confused but to the letter opening he read it.

"A wizard?" he asked in small voice, "but Vermon and Petunia said magic doesn't exist."

I took out my hand and a small snowflake appeared; he gasped softly as his eyes sparkled.

"As you've read the school is called Hogwarts, your parents went there since they had magic in their blood, and so do you," I explained to him, "today we will get the things needed for the school, so get everything you need for today."

He nodded going to the cupboard.

I stood up in my full height, and to Petunia I looked intimidating even though I was wearing a dark blue cardigan with a black shirt underneath, black jeans and combat boots, ... which now thinking about it, I might look intimidating.

"He will not be coming back to this place, and you will not do anything about it unless you want everything you did to him out in the light, and I'm sure you care more about your reputation than a child's health."

Hadrian entered the room with his blankie, and another letter, I looked him and down shaking my head as the clothes were too big for him.

"Hadrian what I am about to do now will change your clothes to fit you, but this will be a temporary solution since we will be getting you new clothes."

He nodded and I snapped my fingers and his clothes changed, Petunia looked confused since I didn't use a wand.

"I dislike the British wizarding world, there are better schools than Hogwarts, that even allow squibs and siblings of a witch or wizard can go to since they still have magic in their blood."

With that I disappeared going to Gringotts.

We appeared in a room that looked like an office, which it was but also a place for those that can use their own powers and break the law and wards, not everyone knows about this.

Walking out of the room, making sure Hadrian followed me, we went to the Potters office, where I believe Griphook should be.

Entering the office, I saw the goblin that I haven't seen in a while.

"Greeting Griphook, may your gold ever flow," I greeted him as I made Hadrian sit down on the, as he looked around in awe but keeping his emotion under a mask, I frowned in displeasure, he will need to see a therapist, even though I did go through abuse as a child, it was not as bad as him, so I can't say anything but I can support him as much as I can.

"And may your enemies fall against your blade Perseus, it has been a while since I have seen you here." Griphook greeted, noticing the same thing I did about Hadrian.

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