Blunt scissors

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A noise that go anyone of this world was foreign, erupted within the woods. Disrupting cobwebs and which had clung on for decades. A wind so powerful it knocked rotting trees finally putting them to rest.
Colours gave light to unforgiving shadows, scorching untouched dirt.
Disturbing silence wracked with echoes.
A blond girl stepped through the door like light. Stumbling at the small drop. Legs giving way. With teary eyes she watched as the gem decorated scissors disintegrated in her shaky hands. The ash falling to the dirt path.
The young princess trudged to her feet, taking long deep breaths. With a sigh she brushed the dirt off her teal dress, noticing the stains not coming of the the fluffy, white hem. Star corrected her horned headband and Finally wiping the last tears from the hearts on her cheeks. She began to walk.
The crisp air held a sent of damp deviation, Star couldn't help but rub her arms absentmindedly. She squinted, Apart from a few trees and her own breath not much could be seen ahead.
Star stopped, eyes widening. She was rubbing her arms, her hands were empty. She panicked, running back to the spot the portal the blues and pinks creating a small sliver in space time. It was still there, her wand. It's small wings being hit by the first drops of rain. She brought it to her chest, releasing a hollow chuckle at her own stupidity. Watching as the portal slowly shut with a small flash.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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