Ch. 7 - A Secret Revealed

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A/N: ...idk, chunky chapter ig-

Ingressus tried to relax as a tense silence stretched between Achillean and him. It had only been a few days since the hurricane, and Nestoria was still undergoing repairs. Although everyone had known the hurricane was coming and had been able to prepare for it, there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent damage.

The two Ardoni slowly made their way along the dock as they repaired it. Carefully checking each plank, ripping out any that had been damaged by the storm, and replacing it with a newer, stronger one.

Achillean decided to take over most of the work the closer they got to the edge of the dock. He knew Ingressus was afraid of the ocean, and the hurricane had only made that fear worse.

He looked up after a while, when he noticed Ingressus wasn't next to him anymore. Achillean glanced back at what was left of the pier, and what needed to be finished. He sighed when he saw Ingressus kneeling in front of a shaggy gray cat farther away.

Achillean didn't understand why he was trying to help it. The cat had been found hidden and injured after the hurricane. Despite that, it would hiss and scratch at anyone who came near it.

After a few minutes, Ingressus walked back over to him, carrying... the... cat... "Do you know where I can find any bandages? Smokey has an injured leg." Achillean tried to process what was happening, "sorry, Smokey? Is that its name?" The Voltaris gently hugged the cat closer. "Well... I don't know if it really is... But he seems to like it."

The Nestoris not in slowly, "Uhm... Sure..." He picked up the leftover plates and walked alongside Ingressus to their room. Achillean made his way to the deck and opened up the cast underneath it. He sifted through its contents for a moment, before pulling out a small roll of bandages.

Achillean tossed the roll to the Voltaris, who caught it and started to wrap up the cat's injury.

Ingressus tucked what was left into his inventory and picked up Smokey. "So... maybe we can give... Smokey... to someone who knows how to work with animals-" Ingressus looked up at him with a concerned expression, clutching the cat closer, "No! I-... I want to keep him..." Achillean wasn't sure, "Are you confident you want to? He hasn't really let anyone touch him..."

The Voltaris nodded and hid his face in Smokeys' fur, "Yes." his voice came out as muffled, "I want to keep him."

Achillean sighed, "It's alright, just... be careful." Ingressus nodded again as the Nestoris climbed up to his bed. He selected another book from the shelf and started to read. All the while, keeping an eye on Smokey.


Ingressus watches Smokey out of the corner of his eye while he helped Achillean finish repairing the dock. He took a slow, deep breath as he tried to steel his nerves. He sat back on his heels and closed his eyes. Allowing himself to think about what had happened over the last year.

Songs... has it been a year already?

So much had happened since the raid. Ingressus never could have imagined he would end up in Nestoria. Taken in by the Nestoris Master of all people.

"Are you okay?"

The Voltaris opened his eyes at the question. "I'm alright," he took a deep breath. "Just..." Ingressus trailed off as he gazed out over the ocean. As if its power had captured his mind. He snapped back to reality when he felt something brush up against his leg.

Ingressus looked down to see Smokey's cloudy fur next to him. He reached down to stroke the cats back. Smokey mewed as he rubbed against the Voltaris' leg, seeming to sense his fear and discomfort.

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