Ch. 14 - A Masters Tool

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Also Snow, I'm already in hiding.

Ingressus pulled a dripping Smokey from the ocean. "When will you learn not to attack every bird and fish you see?"

Smokey yowled in annoyance and glared at the Voltaris.

Dropping the cat on the deck, Ingressus sighed, knowing Smokey wasn't going to hurt him. Smokey shook the excess water from his back and the Voltaris picked him up again.

As he walked back to his room, Ingressus carefully held Smokey farther away from him. He set the cat on the floor and grabbed a rag from the chest. Smokey mrowed as Ingressus dried him off, squirming slightly.

Smokey pranced over to the lit furnace, where Achillean had started cooking some fish they had caught earlier in the day. He curled up next to the heat and stared at Ingressus.

Ingressus sighed and stood. "What is wrong with you...?" He muttered under his breath. Which resulted in a half-hearted hiss from Smokey.

Achillean walked into the room, looking around for someone. "Ingressus?"

The younger Voltaris looked up at him. "Yes? What is it?" Achillean glanced at Smokey, then looked back at Ingressus. "Master Aegus said he needs you."

Ingressus nodded. "Alright." He looked over to Smokey, who had lifted his head and was staring at him in curiosity.

He thanked Achillean for telling him and started to make his way towards Aegus's den. He observed the village as he slowly took a deep breath.

Nestoria was busy. Ingressus hesitated for a moment as two young children ran across his path, laughing and yelling in excitement. A Nesoris he had come to know as Amala waved at him as he passed by. Ingressus waved back, smiling awkwardly.

The Voltaris continued to walk towards Aegus's hut. He brushed some hair from his face as the wind blew it around his head.

The wind died down as Ingressus looked around the Nestoris Masters den. He took a deep breath, hoping nothing was wrong. Aegus looked up at the young Voltaris. Ingressus glanced at the weapons resting on the table as the Nestoris Master turned towards him.

"Years have I kept these items secret..." He picked up Voltar and a broadsword from the table. "But I think the time is right for them to be returned to their owner."

He carefully handed the weapons to Ingressus, who stared at them in awe.

"I thought I lost these... in the ocean..."

Aegus nodded slowly. "We were... unsure and worried of your intentions at first. Then when your father arrived, it only made everything more complicated. But you have proven yourself an honorable and virtuous Ardoni. They belong to you."

Ingressus sheathed the weapons on his back and bowed respectfully. "Thank you... Master Aegus. I wish that all the clans one day share your compassion."

Aegus smiled and nodded in response. The young Voltaris turned and walked out of the hut, smiling. He started to speed up until he broke into a run.

By the time he had reached his room, he had to force himself to walk. He kneeled in front of his bed and pulled out a bag from underneath it.

Ingressus drawed a couple of wooden swords from the sack. He had been working with Dominus to make them. Hoping to teach Achillean how to fight.

He tucked Voltar and his broadsword in his inventory. He started to stand but almost instantly fell back. "Smokey. Do not scare me like that." Smokey only purred and rubbed against the side of his leg.

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