Ch. 18 - A Fishing Trip Pt. 2

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A/N: AAAAAAAAAA- I'm a little nervous for the end of this chapter.

Dominus sighed and turned on his side away from the rain. Aegus opened his eyes, having fallen asleep in the chair. He looked over at the Voltaris, who had his back to him.

The Nestoris Master sighed and moved his hand onto Nestor. He grabbed the staff and stood, looking out at the storm. "The storm will be over soon." He informed Dominus. "Ingressus will be back soon."

Dominus glanced over his shoulder at Aegus but only sighed again in response. The Nestoris stared at the rain, silent. He thought about what Dominus had said about Reina. How she was killed... by a Nestoris...

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them and watched the rain grow heavier and lighter in a rhythmic pattern.


Ingressus brought his knees to his chest and stared at Smokey. Lighting occasionally illuminated his fluffy, grey fur, thunder causing his ears to twitch.

He glanced over at Achillean as he sat beside him. "The storm will be over soon." He said. "We'll go home then." The Voltaris nodded slowly and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Alright... what... what's the chance it rained while we're walking back?" He asked.

Achillean moved away as Smokey woke up. The cat stretched out and yawned, exposing his teeth. "It won't. And even if it does, it will not be like this." He gestured to the rain outside. "You don't need to worry."

Ingressus shrugged and slowly got to his feet. He walked over to the fire and sat down again. He pulled out some fish from his inventory and fed it to Smokey as he pranced up next to him.

Guies sat across from the Voltaris and smiled comfortingly. "The storm will be over soon." He reassured him, repeating Achillean. Ingressus nodded, picking up Smokey. "I know..."

Guies was silent for a moment before grabbing a stick and stabbing it into the fire. "Can I ask what happened to your mom? I know your dad is here, but I haven't seen your mom."

Ingressus shifted uncomfortably and hugged Smokey closer. "I would rather not talk about it..." He mumbled.

"What?" Guies asked, hoping he would clarify.

"I would rather not talk about it." Ingressus said, raising his voice a little. Guies nodded, his expression told him it was a sensitive subject.

The Voltaris sighed, watching Smokey's fur flatten as he cleaned his paws. Achillean gently squeezed his shoulder and smiled softly. "It's okay." He said softly.


Dominus closed his eyes and allowed the rain to fill his thoughts. The Voltaris took a deep breath, trying to calm down. You are safe... He told himself.

Ingressus is safe... He tried to convince himself.

Aegus glanced over at the small bookshelf across the room. "Take what you want." He heard Dominus mutter. After a moment's hesitation, Aegus stood and walked over to the shelf. He looked through the books before grabbing one and walking back over to the table. He sat down and opened the book, hoping to pass the time. He looked over at the Voltaris, who was laying on his bed and numbly staring at the ceiling.

They sat in silence as the run slowly faded.

Aegus looked over at Dominus when he noticed the soft sunbeams peering into the room. To his surprise, the Voltaris had fallen asleep. His markings glowing faintly, almost muted by the sun. He quietly stood and returned the book to the shelf. He grabbed Nestor and sheathed it on his back.

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