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"Mama!" Ella kept running around the living room. "Wanna see Tommy!"

"Easy Em. We're going to see them soon." Meredith said. Ever since Tommy was born some weeks ago Emma had been going crazy about seeing her little cousin

"Now! Now!" Emma screamed

"Put your shoes on, honey." Meredith ordered but didn't move as she was laying on the couch and Derek would have to help her

"Mommy, let's go!" Emma repeated

"Honey, put your shoes on." Meredith said again

"But you need to get up! Come on!" She pouted

"Daddy will help me up while you're putting on your shoes." Meredith ordered.

Emma ran off and Meredith remained sitting on the couch, Derek walking inside some minutes later

"I'm gonna help you." Derek said and lifted her into her wheelchair

"Careful-" Meredith winced

"Are you in discomfort?" Derek frowned worriedly

"A little but it's normal I'm huge." Meredith sighed sadly, really uncomfortable

"Do you wanna go to the hospital to get checked out?" Derek asked as he saw his wife stretch her torso as much as the fusion allowed her

"No, I'm just huge. Let's go, please." Meredith sighed

"I'll put on your shoes." Derek said and kneeled down to slip them on, then helping her into a jacket to make sure she'd stay warm

"Hurry!" Emma ran inside

"We're hurrying-" Meredith almost snapped, on the edge of crying

Luckily Emma wasn't really affected and instead kept skipping around

"Hey, what's wrong?" Derek kneeled down, holding her hands in his own

"I wanna hurry. But I'm slow and I can't be fast enough for her!" Meredith whispered sadly

"You are the best mom she could wish for. So let's go see our family and spend the day relaxing around them." Derek kissed her forehead

Derek started pushing Meredith outside, followed by Emma. He locked the door and helped both inside the car and buckled them up

As Derek got Meredith's chair inside she tried to fix her body a bit to get herself more comfortable but it was of no use

Derek started the car and drove all the way to the ferry

"Do you wanna get out?" Derek asked Meredith

"Yes mommy! Yes!" Emma said excited

"You two should go, I'm gonna stay here." Meredith said as she didn't wanna get up

"No honey, we're staying together." Derek assured her and placed his hand on her hand

"But daddy-" Emma whined

"We'll go out after the baby is born." Derek promised Emma

"Otay.." Emma nodded

Derek saw how hard it was for Meredith as to her it felt like she was letting down her daughter

"Let's stay here and listen to some music." Derek said to cheer both on


A few hours later they were sitting on the couch at Addison and Mark's place

"Honey, are you okay?" Carolyn asked Meredith as she saw how the blonde rubbed her hand above her stomach, where she had feeling left

"I don't know. I'm really sore." Meredith muttered

"Can I check?" Addie offered and gave Tommy to Mark for a minute

"Sure." Meredith shrugged

Addison walked over and started feeling Meredith's stomach

"Did you have anything else? Mer, I wanna check if you have any dilation." Addison said worriedly

"What? She might be in labor?!" Derek gasped

"Check her out in the guestroom, maybe if it's nothing you can take a nap." Mark suggested

Derek scooped her up, wanting her to get checked out as soon as possible

"Aww-" Meredith winced

"What's hurting?" Derek asked

"My back-" Meredith groaned as Derek quickly carried her to the guest room

"We'll hurry, I promise." Addison led them to the guest room that they had made accessible, just in case.

Derek placed Meredith down and helped to undress her lower body. Addison took a quick look but frowned

"Call an ambulance, she's starting to go into labor." Addison instructed

"What?" They both gasped

"Looks like your babygirl is coming." Addison softly smiled. "I'm coming." She stated

"How's everything?" Mark asked as he peeked inside

"She's in labor. Call an ambulance. Can you or your parents look for Tommy and Emma? I wanna be Mer's OB." Addison said

"Of course, I'll grab your phone." Mark nodded

"This is really happening?" Meredith asked Derek

"It's happening." Derek confirmed, anxiety hearable in his voice

Sorry still recovering from being sick and I had a party tonight I had to attend (yes I wrote during the party, yes i'm too dedicated.)

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