Chapter 7

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After sharing that intense kiss, the connection between Scarlett and me seemed to surge even stronger. However, we knew we had business to attend to, unfinished matters that demanded our attention. Together, we made our way to my house.

Inside, my parents wore expressions of deep concern. They noticed the changes in me - my circle of friends, my appearance, everything. While I initially dismissed their worries, I realized they were simply being protective. They knew me better than anyone.

"You're fretting over something unnecessary," I assured them.

My mother, her voice laced with worry, spoke in Spanish, "Necesitas ayuda, cariño" (You need help, dear). I could feel my eyes beginning to glow red, and I sensed Scarlett watching, understanding.

"I do need help. At least I'm not running a failing restaurant," I retorted, the tension in the room escalating.

As emotions flared, there was a heated exchange, but then, I felt pushed to a breaking point. It wasn't what I wanted, but the act seemed inevitable. They vanished, just like Liam. No one would know, and no one would grieve. It was a cruel necessity.

As we left my house, a heavy silence settled between Scarlett and me. The weight of our actions hung in the air, a stark reminder of the path we had chosen. Scarlett's hand found mine, her touch a grounding force in the midst of the chaos.

"Iris," she said softly, her eyes searching mine, "we can't change what happened. But we can face what comes next. Together."

Her words were a lifeline, a promise that I wasn't alone in this. I squeezed her hand in return, grateful for her unwavering support. Together, we made our way to a nearby hotel.

The lobby was a sea of muted colors and hushed conversations. We approached the front desk, my heart pounding in my chest. The receptionist barely looked up from her computer, unfazed by the turmoil churning within us.

"We need a room for the night," Scarlett said, her voice steady.

The receptionist nodded, her fingers typing away. "Two beds?"

"One will do," Scarlett replied, her gaze never leaving mine.

As we made our way to the elevator, I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of apprehension and anticipation. Behind the closed door of our hotel room, there was a sense of finality. This was a new chapter, a turning point in our lives.

Inside, the room was dimly lit, the soft glow casting long shadows across the floor. I turned to Scarlett, our eyes meeting in silent understanding. This was our sanctuary, a place to regroup and gather our strength.

As the door clicked shut, the weight of the world seemed to lift. We were alone, together, bound by secrets and choices. With a determined look, Scarlett stepped closer, closing the distance between us. The intensity in her eyes mirrored my own, a silent acknowledgment of all we had been through.

And in that moment, as our lips met in a desperate, passionate kiss, I knew that no matter what lay ahead,

The kiss deepened, as if it was the only thing that mattered. Nothing else in the world mattered as they explored each other's lips. As their clothes started to come off, the intensity only increased.

Scarlett kissed every part of Iris's body, and Iris returned the favor. They had a hunger desire that was unleashed in that moment, and it only grew as they moved together.

The pleasure was intense, and their bodies became one as they moved together. After their bodies became exhausted, they lay in each other's arms, sweaty and satisfied.

In that moment, they knew that no matter what lay ahead, they were together. And that was all that mattered.

Eventually, fatigue began to tug at our eyelids. We shifted, finding a comfortable position to rest. With a smile, Scarlett nestled closer, her head on my shoulder. We fit together like pieces of a puzzle, a perfect match.

In the quiet of the night, I closed my eyes, content in the knowledge that Scarlett was by my side. The world could wait. For now, all that mattered was this stolen moment of tranquility.

The next morning greeted us with a soft wash of light, painting the room in gentle hues. Scarlett and I stirred, the tranquility of the moment wrapping around us like a cocoon. As reality gradually reclaimed its territory, we exchanged a quiet, knowing look.

Scarlett's voice, when it came, was a soothing melody in the morning stillness. "Ready to face the world again?"

A sense of purpose surged within me, a newfound resolve. I met her gaze with a determined nod. "Yes, we are."

We gathered our belongings, the familiar weight of our mission settling back onto our shoulders. Each step we took felt deliberate, charged with the energy of shared experiences. As we left the hotel room, there was a palpable sense of readiness in the air.

The city outside bustled with life, a symphony of sounds and movements. Together, Scarlett and I walked forward, our heads held high, our hearts aligned. The challenges ahead were daunting, but we faced them with a unity born from the trials we had weathered.

This was a new beginning, a chapter shaped by the choices we had made and the paths we had forged. The world outside awaited, and we were more than prepared to meet it head-on.

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