Chapter 8

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At Natalie's house, suspicions hung heavy in the air. It had been two weeks since Liam's disappearance, and the mystery seemed to grow with each passing day. I couldn't shake the feeling that Iris was somehow involved, but I couldn't bring myself to voice that thought aloud. Olivia, ever the optimist, made a flippant comment, trying to ease the tension.

"I just think it's very weird that Liam hasn't been seen, and the last person who was seen with him was Iris," she mused, applying her makeup.

"Maybe he went on a vacation to Antarctica!" Olivia chimed in, far too confidently for someone who knew the truth. Natalie, however, wasn't buying it. She had a right to be worried about her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Iris and Scarlett were deep in plotting mode. Getting to the girls meant returning to school, a place we hadn't set foot in for two weeks. The prospect was daunting, and the curious stares that greeted us as we walked in only added to the pressure.

"What, you've never seen a person?" Iris retorted, her sharp words cutting through the lingering silence. Scarlett's presence kept her from escalating the situation further.

After class, Natalie's gaze locked onto Iris, a silent demand for answers. Later, as I was walking, someone grabbed me and pulled me into a random closet.

"What the fuck happened to Liam?" Natalie's voice was sharp, her eyes drilling into mine, demanding the truth. The weight of her gaze left me momentarily speechless, but I knew I couldn't evade the question any longer.

In that confined space, Natalie's intensity was palpable. She demanded answers, her eyes locked onto mine, searching for any hint of the truth. I took a moment, collecting myself before responding. This was a dangerous game, one I couldn't afford to lose.

"Natalie, I wish I knew," I began, my voice carefully measured. "I've been just as worried as you. It's like he vanished into thin air. I tried reaching out, but nothing."

Natalie's eyes narrowed, her suspicion growing. "Iris, you were the last one with him. You have to know something."

I feigned innocence, my eyes wide with mock concern. "I swear, Natalie, we were at the party, and then he just left. I don't know where he went."

Her frustration was evident, but she couldn't pin anything on me. Not without evidence. I continued to play the part, weaving a web of deceit.

"I'm really worried about him too," I added, my voice laced with false empathy. "But sometimes people do strange things. Maybe he needed time away. It's not uncommon."

Natalie's gaze held mine, a mix of anger, sadness, and frustration. She knew I was holding something back, but without concrete proof, she was powerless.

As we left the closet, I could feel the weight of the lie settle on my shoulders. It was a necessary evil, a means to an end. The revenge we sought depended on keeping our secrets hidden, even if it meant manipulating those we once called friends.

As the days passed, the tension at school seemed to thicken. Natalie's persistent questions about Liam's disappearance didn't waver, and I continued to deflect, weaving a web of lies to protect our secret. It was a dangerous game, one that required careful maneuvering.

One afternoon, as Scarlett and I huddled in a corner of the school courtyard, we discussed our next move. The time was ripe to make our move on the girls, to bring them into our world of shadows and secrets.

"We can't keep dodging Natalie's questions forever," Scarlett pointed out, her eyes focused and determined.

I nodded, a plan forming in my mind. "We need to give her something, a distraction. Maybe feed her a false lead to keep her off our scent."

Scarlett's eyes gleamed with approval. "Smart. That should buy us some time."

Later, as the final bell rang, signaling the end of another day, I approached Natalie with a carefully crafted story. I spoke of a rumor, a lead on Liam's whereabouts, hoping to redirect her focus.

"Natalie, I heard something. A friend of a friend said they saw Liam in a nearby town," I said, my voice steady. "I don't know if it's true, but maybe it's worth checking out."

Natalie's eyes widened with hope and determination. "Iris, if this leads to anything, I owe you big time."

I smiled, a mask of false sincerity. "Just want to help, Natalie. We all want him back."

As she rushed off, fueled by the glimmer of hope I'd given her, I turned to Scarlett, a mix of relief and apprehension coursing through me. We were playing a dangerous game, and every move had to be calculated. The shadows were closing in, and we had to stay one step ahead.

As Natalie wandered through the park, her desperation growing with every passing moment, she suddenly heard a voice, faint and ethereal, carried by the wind.

"Natalie, get out of here," it whispered, a chilling echo of familiarity.

Her heart raced as she called out, "Liam? Where are you?"

The voice returned, laden with a spectral quality, sending shivers down her spine. "I'm no longer with you. Don't trust Iris. She will come and get you."

Natalie's breath caught in her throat. "What are you talking about?"

"Iris made me disappear. She made me pass away," the voice explained, its tone filled with a haunting sadness.

Natalie's world seemed to tilt on its axis. She believed him instantly. All her suspicions about Iris were confirmed in that chilling moment.

Before she could ask any more questions, she turned around, only to find Iris and Scarlet standing there, arms crossed, eyes sharp. Their presence was foreboding, and Natalie knew she was treading on dangerous ground.

More scenes or interactions with Natalie, Iris, and Scarlett? Or would you like to explore the involvement of Isaiah and Olivia? Let me know what you'd like to focus on next!

As tension hung thick in the air, Natalie's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and determination. "You killed him," she accused, her eyes locked on Iris, searching for any sign of remorse.

Iris's response was measured, her voice steady. "Natalie, you're in over your head. You need to leave, before it's too late."

But Natalie, now fully immersed in the dark reality she had stumbled upon, wasn't about to back down. "Iris, I trusted you. We were friends. How could you do this?"

Scarlet watched the exchange in silence, her expression a blend of concern and resignation. She knew the path they were on was treacherous, and every step forward seemed to lead to a deeper abyss.

"I didn't want it to come to this, Natalie," Scarlet finally spoke, her voice carrying a weight of regret. "But we had no choice."

Natalie's gaze darted between them, her mind racing to process the magnitude of what she had just learned. The world she thought she knew had crumbled, replaced by a stark reality she was ill-prepared to face.

The three of them stood in that desolate park, bound by a web of secrets and choices. The shadows loomed, their presence a haunting reminder of the irreversible path they had set upon

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