Chapter 14

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In the dimly lit room, sleep held Iris and me in its gentle embrace until a sharp knock jolted us awake. As Scarlett rose to answer the door, I couldn't shake the unease that settled in my chest.

Isaiah stood there, his face etched with determination. He wasted no time, diving straight into his revelation. "Okay, I've been holding this in for a long time, Scarlett. We know."

Scarlett's brow furrowed. "What do you know, Hamilton?"

"You know," he pressed, his voice edged with urgency.

"I don't," Scarlett retorted, her tone sharp.

"Stop acting stupid, you know!" Isaiah's voice began to rise, and I shot him a warning look. Scarlett's patience, already worn thin, wouldn't withstand much more.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," Scarlett snapped, her voice a dangerous hiss. "And keep your voice down. My girlfriend is sleeping. If you wake her up, I'll deal with you myself."

Isaiah took a step back, seemingly taken aback by Scarlett's intensity. He hesitated before speaking again. "Okay, then... Scarlett. Or is that not your real name?"

Scarlett's eyes narrowed, suspicion flashing across her face. "What?"

"The shadows," Isaiah declared, his words hanging in the air, heavy with meaning.

In the charged silence that followed Isaiah's revelation, Scarlett's eyes bore into him, a storm of emotions swirling beneath the surface. "You're playing with fire, Hamilton. You don't want to know what happens when you push me too far."

Isaiah's resolve didn't waver. "I'm not here to play games. I want answers, and I'll get them."

Scarlett's voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, like a blade unsheathed. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, Isaiah. I suggest you leave, now, before you find out."

Isaiah, undeterred, took a step forward. "I'm not leaving until I know the truth."

Scarlett's hand brushed the concealed weapon at her side, a silent threat. "Last chance, Hamilton."

But Isaiah, whether out of determination or recklessness, continued to press, "The truth, Scarlett. About the shadows, about the disappearances. You can't hide it forever."

That was the final straw. In one swift, fluid motion, Scarlett unleashed her weapon. The room erupted into chaos, a whirlwind of desperation and violence. When the dust settled, Isaiah lay still, the truth he sought buried with him.

Scarlett's eyes gleamed with a mix of defiance and regret. She turned to me, her expression unreadable. The shadows would protect their secrets, no matter the cost.

In the cold, unforgiving night, Scarlett moved with a purpose, the weight of Isaiah's lifeless form heavy in her arms. The woods welcomed them, their secrets buried beneath the shadows of ancient trees.

I followed, my steps echoing the somber rhythm of this grim task. The ground beneath us seemed to hold its breath, as if bearing witness to a story it would never tell.

Scarlett's face was a mask of determination, her eyes fixed on a distant point. She knew this forest well, its every curve and hidden hollow. It was a place of refuge, a sanctuary for the secrets she guarded.

As we reached a clearing, Scarlett gently laid Isaiah's body on the cold ground. She took a moment, her gaze lingering on his still form. The weight of what she had done hung heavy in the air.

"This is the only way, Iris," Scarlett's voice was steady, a mix of conviction and sorrow. She walked away going back home but as she walked away he opens his eyes and turned his

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