Chapter 7

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"I am... a spirit... of light..." the spirit said as we approached. "Heroes... chosen by the gods... look for... my light... gather the light stolen by the shadows... into this."

He then gave the three of us the vessel of light.

"...The insects of darkness... they are the form taken... by the evil that attached itself... to my scattered light... in this shadowy Twilight... the shadow insects are invisible, much as the people from the world of light are... with the last of my power... let me mark your maps... with the locations... of the tears that have turned into... shadow insects... but... be careful... the darkness... now hunts you..." the spirit said marking our maps.

"Do we split up to find the tears of light?" Saria asked.

"That would be faster," Linkette said, "but who goes where?"

"Why don't we swap stories of our past and adventures so far?" I suggested. "That way, we can see if there are sections that one of us would do better in."

"Okay!" they agreed before we swapped stories. Much to my surprise at how they got the Zora Sapphire.

"Well..." Saria said., "I'm thinking Luna should take that building, while Linkette gets the ground area and I get the higher area."

"How come?" I asked.

"I'm better at climbing than Linkette," Saria explained. "And you wanted to find your friends, and the scent you said was from them that we followed here leads inside that building, which means that they are most likely there, you can check on them then come help us."

My eyes widened at that before I looked at the building. "Thank you."

"Your welcome," Saria said.

"Are you three done talking?" Midna asked, not able to understand us. "Not that I care about getting rid of the Twilight, it's a lovely place after all. But you need to remove it to figure out where the next piece of the fused shadows are, so you need to get a move on."

At that, we sighed before separating.

"Oh," Midna said, realizing we were figuring out how to split up to get them faster.

I couldn't get through the door, so I found a way to the roof where I fell through a hole and landed inside where I saw several spirits including four of the kids around two adults and a girl the same age as Colin that from their clothes were from Kakariko.

"Cripes! I don't see those black brutes anywhere..." the man by the window said. "They've gotta be hidin' somewhere, waitin' for their helpless little prey to come out! then they'll FEAST!"

"We are safe as long as we remain in here child, be at ease," the man dressed like a shaman told the frightened kid next to him.

"Oh yeah!" the man by the window said, "I wonder if the monsters out there agree with you, they sure didn't seem impressed by my bombs! How long do you think we can hold this sanctuary against beasts that strong, huh? Once they attack, its OVER! Remember the lady from the general store? Just one of thos things attacked her, and a whole gang from town went to save her! And what happened, she was already gone, and there were TWO monsters waitin'!... you connect' the dots? That means that if we get attacked by them, then we'll be..."

"BARNES!" the shaman interrupted, getting him to notice he had made the children cry, which made Barnes feel guilty.

"Look Renado..." Barnes sighed, "all I mean to say is that it's risky here too! Ain't you got some place we can hide?"

"There is... a cellar," Renado finally said.

"WHAAT?!" Barnes said getting close to Renado and the children. "You've got a CELLAR?! Where's the entrance, man?"

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