[Chapter #8: Small Study Date]

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Later In The Evening...

Leo had just finished eating and was heading out of the palavin, when he ran into Jason, he couldn't help it, but he immediately smiled at his boyfriend.
"Hi Jase~" Leo said, wrapping his arms around Jason's neck.
"Hey, Leo. Uh-...I was um.. wondering if you would like to..uh...come help me study some stuff?" Jason asked.
"Study? Study what? It's not boring right?" Leo said.
"Uh, study Spanish and some Greek." Jason said, smiling.
"Spanish!? Since when did you want to learn Spanish?!" Leo said shocked.
"I don't know, like, one or two days ago I guess."
Leo looked at him suspiciously.
"You sure this isn't an excuse to ask me on a date?" He said, letting a smirk spread across his face.
Jason blushed,
"No! Well- I mean..I would just ask you on a date if I wanted to go on a date with you, but I've already learned a bit from Nico." Jason said.
"Nico?! He's Italian! Not Spanish."
"Yeah, but it's similar in some ways. Like, "Te Amo" means I love you in Spanish and Italian. They're just spelled differently."
"Hm, whatever." Leo said.
"I still can't believe you went to the Italian boy instead of your very hot Spanish boyfriend to learn Spanish." Leo pouted.
"Just come on, Leo." Jason said, grabbing Leo's hand and pulling him along.


*Ok...mabye it was a small excuse to get alone with Leo to go on a small...*study* date. But it's not like I'm gonna tell Leo that.*

He continued to lead Leo over into the woods till' they reached a small spot under a tree in the woods, where he had already set up a small blanket with a basket of food for them.
"So, we're going to study while having a picnic?" Leo said, looking over at Jason and smirking.
"Well, I get hungry when I study. Don't you?"
Leo laughed, grinning like crazy he said,
"I don't study Jase! Don't you know that?" He giggled again.
Jason smiled, he knew he was probably blushing, but gosh. Leo just looked so beautiful right now.
He was wearing his usual Camp shirt, with some jeans, and of course, his tool belt. His hair was curling around his face, and some of it fell into his eyes. His eyes were gorgeous too. But the most important thing, Leo was smiling. He was grinning, and laughing, and he looked pleased. Which only made him look even hotter. Jason knows the past two days he hasn't been the happiest person, so he was glad he was laughing and enjoying himself today.
"Right, if you don't study, then why are you studying with me? Hm?" Jason asked.
"Because, your my boyfriend. Plus, I'm not gonna let that Italian boy teach you. You need a true Spanish man!" Leo said, putting his hand on his chest and throwing his other hand dramatically in the air, looking like one of those fancy waiters carrying food.
Jason laughed, so far, he was having a lot of fun. Leo always did that, he made things, such as studying, a lot more fun at times.
"Alright, let's just sit down and study now."


Finally, they settled themselves down to study.
"Alright," Jason said, he handed Leo the notebook.
"Tell me a sentence from the book in Spanish, and I'm going to repeat it back in English."
"La tortuga avanzó lentamente por el camino." Leo said.
Jason gave a confused look.
Leo laughed.
"C'mon, that one is so easy!" Leo said.
"For you! You speak it!" Jason said.
Leo giggled again before repeating the sentence.
"Um, The turtle something."
Leo held back a laugh,
"The turtle something?"
"Shut up Leo! It has something to do with a turtle, right?" He asked.
"Yeah. You're close."
Jason pouted,
"I give up." He said.
"Tell me the next sentence."
"C'mon Jase, you're so close!" Leo said he leaned over and kissed Jason.
"You can't just give up!"
"Yes I can."
Leo pushed Jason down, and layed flat on top of him.
"Leo! Get off." He said, though he wasn't mad, he was smiling, and very clearly about to laugh.
"Nope. Not till' you get the sentence right."
"Seriously Leo?"
"Does it look like I'm kidding?" He said, getting up a bit to tower over Jason and look him in the eyes.
"With that crazy grin on your face? Yes. It looks like your completely joking." He said, chuckling.
"Oh, shut up! Your smiling too!" Leo said, he leaned down and kissed Jason again.
"We need to get back to studying." Jason complained.
"Do we?" He said smirking,
"I mean, I'm on top of you. What if I want to do a little something else instead? Since we so happen to be alone right now~"
Suddenly, Jason let out a dramatic gasp,
"You're planning on killing me?! How could you, Romeo!? ¡Pensé que me amabas!" He exclaimed.
Leo laughed,
"Oh, so you know that sentence in Spanish but you refuse to guess the other sentence?!" Leo hit Jason's arm.
"Ow, Hey! I just so happened to study more...love stuff?" Jason said.
"You are so ridiculous Jase. Your lucky your cute." Leo said.
"Awe, thanks Leo~ I know I'm cute. That's why you love me~" Jason winked at him, he wrapped his arms around Leo's neck and pulled him down into a long, proper kiss.
When he pulled away, Leo said,
"I thought you wanted to go back to studying again?"
He smiled.
"Ah, look at the time! We should head back to my cabin to rest up." Jason said, smirking.
"Okk, whatever you say Superman." Leo stood up, and Jason got up after him.
Jason immediately grabbed Leo's hand and pulled him into a kiss, again.
"I love you, thanks for hanging out with me~" Jason said.
"I will say, we were supposed to be "studying". Didn't you say that?" Leo said.
Jason chuckled.
"C'mon Leo~ Let's head back to my cabin."
He walked over and picked up the basket.
Him & Leo were about to leave, but then, he pulled an apple out of the basket and tossed it to Leo.
Leo caught it in his hands, looking up, he gave Jason a confused look.
"Trust me, I'll propose to you in a much fancier way. But you should eat something, so enjoy your apple." Jason said smirking.
Leo smiled,
"Not if I propose first. Y'know, like how I confessed first~" He said, but he walked over to Jason and slipped his arm in his, and leaned his head on his shoulder.
"We'll see." Jason said, leaning his head onto Leo's.

We'll see.

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