[ Chapter 3 ] ♤ [ Johnny Cage x Kenshi Takahashi ]

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⭐️,👾 - Fluff, Angst Chapter ‼️

Chapter 1 - Part Two

The memories of that special day in the arena still lingered in Johnny's mind, haunting him like a sweet dream. He used to be a hyper and confident movie star, but now he had turned into a flustered and shy boy, just at the thought of the oh-so-flattering swordsman. The mere sight of him would make Johnny's heart race and his words stumble.

Johnny tried to calm himself down by rubbing his hands over his biceps and thighs, trying to recall the way Kenshi's hands would touch and appreciate every inch of his body with pure love. The memory was so vivid, it felt like Kenshi was still there, holding him tight and whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

But Kenshi had long returned home, leaving Johnny alone with his thoughts and a deep longing to be in his presence again. The image of Kenshi's gorgeous face and muscular body remained imprinted in Johnny's mind, driving him crazy with desire. He couldn't seem to shake him out of his thoughts, and the yearning in his heart only grew stronger with each passing day.

Johnny's kitchen table was adorned with a magnificent bouquet of deep red carnations that emanated a sweet and alluring fragrance. The petals were soft and velvety to the touch, and their color was so vibrant that they seemed to come alive. Nestled among the blossoms was a letter from Kenshi, written in elegant cursive handwriting that was both beautiful and refined.

As Johnny read the letter, his heart swelled with emotion. Plans to see each other again after a long stretch of work were finally coming to fruition, and the promise of reuniting with Kenshi filled him with excitement and anticipation. Despite Kenshi's attempt to be cool and aloof, Johnny couldn't help but imagine the swordsman's charming smile as he wrote the letter. The flowers and the letter were a symbol of Kenshi's affection, and Johnny cherished them both with all his heart.

__________ ♡☆~'_______

Johnny sat in the car, gazing out the window at the relentless downpour of rain. The harsh droplets raced down the cold glass, blurring his view of the outside world. Another important meeting had been canceled due to the stormy weather, leaving Johnny feeling disheartened and defeated.

He let out a deep sigh, feeling a heavy weight settle on his shoulders and a tightness in his chest that he couldn't quite shake. It had been two long days since he last received a letter from Kenshi, the one bright spot in his otherwise gloomy life. As a movie star, Johnny was used to being adored by fans and paparazzi alike, but it was Kenshi's letters that truly made him feel seen and understood.

Normally, Johnny received two letters a week from Kenshi, but as the end of the week approached, he had only received one. He knew it was selfish to feel disappointed about not receiving something that was gifted to him without obligation, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for Kenshi's words.

With only mere hours until their long-awaited date, Johnny tried to distract himself from the missing letter, but it was no use. The anticipation and excitement of seeing Kenshi again after what felt like an eternity weighed heavily on his mind, making the absence of Kenshi's letters all the more unbearable.

Johnny was lost in thought when his assistant called out his name, jolting him back to reality. He slowly lifted his head to meet her gaze, trying his best to muster up a convincing smile. He didn't want to worry her with his problems.

She looked at him with concern etched on her face. "Everything okay?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Johnny nodded in response, keeping his tone neutral. He didn't want to draw any extra attention from his manager, especially any that expressed pity on his feelings.

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