[ Chapter 2 ] ♤ [ Johnny Cage x Kenshi Takahashi ]

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🌠 - Suggestive Chapter ‼️

Johnny's eyelids fluttered before slowly opening, revealing a world that spun around him. His head ached with a sharp pounding, and his vision was blurred like he was seeing the world through a veil. As he tried to sit up, his hands shook uncontrollably, and he felt a wave of dizziness crash over him, forcing him back down.

He groaned, his fingers reaching up to press against his temple, hoping to ease the pain. But it only seemed to grow worse, intensifying into a throbbing ache that made him feel like he was going to be sick.

Johnny's body was suddenly consumed by a fierce hunger that took over his thoughts, making him feel disoriented and out of place. It wasn't the kind of hunger that could be satisfied normally. It was a primal, insatiable desire for blood. As he focused on the feeling, he felt his pupils dilating and his body changing.

He tentatively explored his mouth with his tongue, only to discover that his once-dull human teeth had been replaced by sharp, pointed ones.

As he reflected on his recent escape from captivity by the notorious Shang Tsung, he suddenly realized the gravity of his actions. In his attempt to evade the clutches of his captor, he had hurled a mysterious potion at Johnny, without fully comprehending its potential effects. Now, observing the full extent of its influence, he felt a growing sense of unease and apprehension about how it might wrest control of his actions. As he pondered the implications of his loss of control, he began to fear that he might unwittingly cause harm to those closest to him.

Johnny's face contorted into a frown as he remembered the unexpected guest currently occupying his guest room. Kenshi Takahashi, the infamous swordsman. Johnny couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension and fear creeping up his spine. He knew that being around the swordsman was a dangerous game, one that he wasn't sure he wanted to play.

However, to his surprise, a sudden craving to be in Kenshi's presence invaded him like an insidious parasite. He couldn't shake the feeling off, as if he was addicted to some sort of drug.

Johnny felt his legs moving, almost as if they had a mind of their own, taking him down to where Kenshi was staying. He couldn't help but feel a sense of both excitement and dread as he approached the swordsman, his mouth practically salivating at the thought of tasting Kenshi's blood.

Johnny silently approached Kenshi, his heart racing with anticipation. As he reached out to touch the swordsman's shoulder, a sweet, heady scent filled his nostrils, making him feel intoxicated. Johnny couldn't help but inhale deeply, feeling a growing desire to be even closer to Kenshi.

Unaware of the danger lurking behind him, Kenshi was caught off guard as Johnny tackled him, slamming him hard into a nearby counter. The impact was so forceful that Kenshi's teeth clamped down on his tongue, causing blood to flow freely from his mouth. A gasp of pain and surprise escaped from Kenshi's lips, as his eyes widened in shock and confusion.

Kenshi felt a surge of panic as he struggled to free his wrists from Johnny's iron grip. He could feel the strength of the movie star's newfound power coursing through his veins like a raging river. There was something vampirish about the transformation he had undergone.

As Kenshi looked into Johnny's once-topaz eyes, he was transfixed by the deep crimson hue that now replaced them. The darkness of his gaze was both alarming and captivating, drawing Kenshi in like a moth to a flame. Johnny's skin had lost its healthy glow, turning a sickly pale shade that seemed to glow in the dim light. And his teeth - those once perfectly straight teeth - were now sharp and pointed, like knives glinting in the darkness.

Kenshi knew that something was seriously wrong with his friend. It was as if he had become a creature of the night, and Kenshi was caught in his grasp, unable to break free.

Kenshi was about to open his mouth when Johnny caught him off guard and pressed a fervent kiss onto his lips. The unexpected sensation sent a shiver down Kenshi's spine as he felt Johnny's tongue invade his mouth, exploring every inch of it. The metallic taste of the blood on Kenshi's face only seemed to fuel Johnny's passion as he hungrily licked it off, pulling Kenshi closer to him. The intensity of Johnny's embrace made Kenshi feel weak in the knees.

Johnny made his way down, his tongue tracing the path of the deep red blood that trickled down from Kenshi's mouth. The warm feeling of the other man's skin against his lips sent shivers down Johnny's spine-in comparison to his cold body. Kenshi's eyes fluttered shut as he tilted his head back, lost in the sensation of Johnny's mouth on his neck. Every movement of Johnny's tongue felt like an electric shock jolting through Kenshi's body.

Johnny jolted awake, his body drenched in a cold sweat. His chest heaved as he frantically surveyed the dimly lit room, trying to make sense of his surroundings. The faint light seeping through the window hinted at the early hours of dawn. With shaky hands, he rose to his feet and stumbled towards the bathroom, where he stared at his reflection in the mirror, checking if his features still resembled those of a human. As the pounding in his chest gradually subsided, he realized...

It was all a dream...

Johnny was jolted from his half-awake state by a sudden knock on his door. He took a deep breath and tried to collect himself before answering the door. With slow steps, he approached the door and gently turned the handle to open it. Standing in front of him was Kenshi, his face creased with a frown and his eyebrows knitted together in concern.

"Are you alright?" Kenshi asked, his voice laced with worry. Johnny let out a small chuckle before nodding his head. "I wasn't talking in my sleep too loudly, was I? M'sorry if I disturbed you," Johnny replied, feeling a tinge of guilt about potentially interrupting Kenshi's sleep.

"It's okay. Nothing happened," Kenshi reassured him. "Are you hungry?" he asked, gesturing towards the kitchen. The smell of breakfast wafted through the air, indicating that Kenshi had already prepared a meal before Johnny had woken up.

"Yeah... that would be nice.."


A/n: The next chapter is part 2 of Chapter 1. Comin... sometime next week?? Idfk 😭

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